Особливості впливу напіввільного утримання мисливських тварин на діелектричні показники сосни звичайної

Autor: O. L. Kratiuk
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Науковий вісник НЛТУ України, Vol 29, Iss 8, Pp 43-45 (2019)
ISSN: 2519-2477
Popis: The use of electrophysiological parameters such as (impedance (R) and polarization capacity (C)) is a promising method of indicating the stages of the effect of game animals on forest plantations, especially in enclosures. The study was conducted on the territory of the enclosure of Baranivske Hunting Forestry State Enterprise in February and June, 2019. Eight experimental plots were laid, where 4 of them were control ones. In February, capacity polarization on experimental plots ranged from 4.32±0.24 to 5.68±0.17 nF, At the same time on the control plots it was higher than 14.9-76.6 % (tф=2.81-9.43; t05=2.02) and it was 6.53±0.25-7.63±0.25 nF. The coefficient of variation of the indicator on both experimental and control plots is negligible (13.2-16.2 %). In February the impedance varied from 33.93±1.65 to 44.40±3.79 кОм. On the control plots it was lower 15.9-38.5 % (tф=2.24-4.26; t05=2.02) and constituted 27.30±1.29‑29.55±1.54 кОм. Variation coefficient equals 16.8‑38.2 %, on control plots it is 21.1-29.6 %. With the transition of trees from dormancy to growing season, the tendency for polarization capacity increasing and impedance decreasing is gradually observed. Therefore, experimental plantations of Silver pine are significantly larger (25.5‑59.7 % (tф=2.73‑5.80; t05=2.02) than control plots by the polarization capacity value in June. Polarization capacity on experimental plots ranged from 10.08±0.41 to 12.15±0.68 nF, and on the control plots it was 14.88±0.87‑16.10±0.95 nF. The coefficient of variation of the indicator slightly increased on both experimental and control plots and equals 18.6‑26.7 %. The impedance values on the experimental plots in June were in the range of 17.85±1.16‑21.83±1.35 кОм. It was lower on EP№1 c – EP№4 c (19.2‑33.5 % (tф=2.72‑4.25; t05=2.02) and was equal 13.35±0.74‑16.15±1.27 кОм. The coefficient of variation on experimental plots is 27.8‑34.6 %, and on control plots – 14.8‑35.2 %. Experimental data shows that enclosure maintenance of game animals in pine stands slows down life processes of pine trees. The polarization capacity value on all experimental plots is lower than on control plots, and the impedance values are found to be higher. This pattern is characteristic of both measurements performed in the state of relative dormancy (February) and during the growing season (June). To summarize, we should note that dielectric indicators can become reliable markers of the sanitary status of forest plantations, and the preparation of appropriate tables will simplify their application in practice.
Databáze: OpenAIRE