Temperature Dependence of Field Hysteresis Loop in Nemato-Cholesteric Mixtures

Autor: Maria Vistak, Zinoviy M. Mikityuk, O. Nevmerzhitska, P. Zaremba
Rok vydání: 1996
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
ISSN: 1058-725X
DOI: 10.1080/10587259608034057
Popis: Temperature dependence of the field hysteresis loop (δU) of the cholesterol-nematic phase transitions in mixtures based on strong and weak polar nematics. The ephires of the cholesterol (0.2… 1.6 weight %) were used as optically active dopants. For mixtures, in which fluctuation embryos have a major role at low temperatures, anomalous growth of δU is observed. The influence of temperature dependence of constants of elasticity and step of induced spiral on analogical dependence δU =f(T) takes place. Magnitude of δU can be changed by changing the percentage of cholesterine in the mixture.
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