Annual Report. Academic year 2019/2020

Autor: Mostovski, Mike B. (Ed.)
Přispěvatelé: Ben-David-Zaslow, Revital, Gur, Yonatan, Dayan, Tamar, Bar-Yosef Mayer, Daniela E., Belmaker, Amos, Belmaker, Jonathan, Ben-Dov Segal, Avigail, Bronstein, Omri, Dorchin, Achik, Dorchin, Netta, Feldstein-Farkash, Tamar, Friedman, Arieh-Leib-Leonid, Gal, Bruria, Galil, Bella, Gavrieli, Yael, Goren, Liron, Goren, Menachem, Guershon, Moshe, Hershkovitz, Israel, Hershkovitz, Yaron, Hoffman, Razy, Huchon, Dorothée, Ionescu, Armin, Katz, Yuri, Kravchenko, Vasily, Kuslitzky, Wolf, Langgut, Dafna, Levitt Barmats, Ya'arit, Maza, Erez, Meiri, Meirav, Meiri, Shai, Mienis, Henk K., Morgulis, Elizabeth, Novoselsky, Tanya, Orlov-Labkovsky, Olga, Pen-Mouratov, Stanislav, Pisanti, Gideon, Rittner, Oz, Sapir, Yuval, Sapir-Hen, Lidar, Shefer, Sigal, Shenkar, Noa, Sokolover, Noga, Spodek, Malkie, Ramon, Uri, Renan, Ittai, Ben Zvi, Gilad, Ribak, Gal, Sapan, Alon, Yefremova, Zoya, Ziffer-Berger, Jotham, Zonstein, Sergei
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5881891
Popis: The past year has been a challenging one. The Steinhardt Museum only opened to the public in July 2018 for a trial run, became fully operational in September, and was gaining significant momentum, but a mere 8 months later, in March 2019, Covid struck and the world as we knew it was transformed. This caught us in the trajectory of an upwards momentum, prior to stabilizing our funding sources and getting government recognition as a museum and in the midst of team-building work and rapid content development. This is not something we had bargained for. That said, our team rose to the occasion. While unfortunately, we had to part with many great hourly workers in the Public Division of the museum and send them on unpaid leave, the remainder of the team stayed with us, and people continued to work as hard as ever in preparation for the museum re-opening, dealing with the many challenges that a new museum affords. The scientific staff continued its work throughout the pandemic. Our scientists and professionals worked in the collections and in the field under very complicated conditions indeed. The collection ma­nagers continued promoting the collections and taxonomic work and providing in­valuable services to a variety of agencies. The Applied Policy-Relevant Research Division Centers—Open Landscape Institute, HaMaarag, and the National Center for Aquatic Ecology—continued almost business as usual, as did the Entomological Laboratory for Applied Ecology. The museum was closed for a significant part of the year but during the months that it was open, albeit with restrictions, and particularly during the summer months, we were gratified by the level of renewed public interest. During the reporting period, the Museum researchers produced 202 scientific articles, which were published or accepted for publication, and13 books/book chapters.
Databáze: OpenAIRE