Development of per vaginal route of serial observations of ovarian activities in buffalo using a simple fiberscope

Autor: O. F. Smith, L.C. Cruz
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Nigerian Journal of Animal Production; Vol 29, No 1 (2002); 132-137
ISSN: 0331-2062
Popis: Six normally cycling Philippine carabaos were selected from a herd after showing normal estrous cycle for two consecutive times. Observations of the ovarian structures wee performed with the use of a simple fiberscope (model FS 100). The fiberscope was guided to the pelvic cavity close to the position of the ovary by inserting it through a cannula. To facilitate observation of ovarian structures another individual palpated the ovary gently as it was brought close to the fiberscope tip. The use of a simple fiberscope showed that it was feasible and practical to trace the development and regression of individual follicles with this device. Follicular fluid was transparent and clear in appearance. Corpora lutea on the ovary was less spherical in appearance and was surrounded by a boarder of luteinized tissue. Only well defined forms with a relatively smooth outline were considered follicles. Follicles as small as 2 to 3mm were clearly viewed. The use of anesthesia to temporarily paralyze the sacro-coccygeal area did not change the estrous cycle length of the experimental animals. The animals still maintained their normal estrous cycle length (averaging 21.5 ± 1.5 days and showed signs of estrus, which included mucus discharge, mounting other animals and being mounted and bellowing. Keywords: Per vaginal, ovarian activities, buffalo and fiberscope
Databáze: OpenAIRE