Taking molecular pathology to the next level: Whole slide multicolor confocal imaging with the Pannoramic Confocal digital pathology scanner

Autor: István Rebenku, Ferenc A. Bartha, Tamás Katona, Barbara Zsebik, Géza Antalffy, Lili Takács, Béla Molnár, György Vereb
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Cytometry Part A. 103:198-207
ISSN: 1552-4930
Popis: The emergence and fast advance of digital pathology allows the acquisition, digital storage, interactive recall and analysis of morphology at the tissue level. When applying immunohistochemistry, it also affords the correlation of morphology with the expression of one or two specific molecule of interest. The rise of fluorescence pathology scanners expands the number of detected molecules based on multiplex labelling. The Pannoramic Confocal (created by 3DHistech, Hungary) is a first-of-the-kind digital pathology scanner that affords not only multiplexed fluorescent detection on top of conventional transmission imaging, but also confocality. We have benchmarked this scanner in terms of stability, precision, light efficiency, linearity and sensitivity. X-Y stability and relocalisation precision were well below resolution limit (≤50 nm). Light throughput in confocal mode was 4-5 times higher than that of a point scanning confocal microscope, yielding similar calculated confocal intensities but with the potential for improving signal to noise ratio or scan speed. Response was linear with R
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