Analysis of the kinetic model of a single-stage process for obtaining titanium dioxide

Autor: Gandzha, T. V., Isakov, K. A., Shapovalov, Alexander V.
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Russian physics journal. 2022. Vol. 65, № 4. P. 663-670
ISSN: 0021-3411
DOI: 10.17223/00213411/65/4/70
Popis: The paper considers a kinetic model of a single-stage process, which is an element of a multi-stage process for producing titanium dioxide. The effect of external influences and the problem of optimizing parameters are regarded as a necessary stage for developing a kinetic model of a complex multi-stage reaction of a complete technological process. The effect of temperature on the kinetics of the process has been studied. Numerical solutions of kinetic equations are considered with allowance for diffusion.
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