Facility Development Planning at Fasharkan Lantamal V Surabaya based on Maintenance Strategy

Autor: A. F. B. Sulo, I. G. K. H. Desember, S. Aritonang
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6583750
Popis: The role of the Indonesian Navy is as the main component of naval defense to carry out its duties based on political policies in upholding state sovereignty, defending NKRI territory, and carrying out Military Operations for War and Military Operations Other than War. In performing the main task, the elements used such as warships is often faced an obstacles related to the maintenance of their engines when experiencing problems or damage, which greatly affects the operational tasks they carry. The purpose of this study is (1) to identify factors that are the reason for the need to develop maintenance KRI machine workshop Fasharkan Lantamal V Surabaya; (2) to determine the priority weighting and development strategy plan of Maintenance KRI implemented by Fasharkan Lantamal V Surabaya to support the readiness of marine operations. The methodology used in this study is the mixed method. The data displayed is in tabulations or tables using qualitative descriptive analysis. Quantitative data is analyzed using Delphi-AHP. The results showed that the development strategy of Maintenance navy warships in supporting marine operations in the Fasharkan engine workshop Surabaya, carried out several stages, namely starting from the stage of identifying the reasons for the development strategy using Delphi Analysis. It conclude that several development criteria were obtained and subsequently weighting the order of criteria with AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process). The top priority in this development strategy is the scope of technology which includes cooperation with related parties in the development of Maintenance KRI by the machine workshop in Fasharkan Lantamal V Surabaya so that the strategy should be carried out by collaborating with related universities by conducting direct courses at Fasharkan Lantamal V Surabaya both theory and practice.
Databáze: OpenAIRE