Mildew Of Onion In The Tashkent Region

Autor: Avazov S.
Rok vydání: 2017
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1112368
Popis: In this article presents data on the study mildew of onions in the Tashkent Region. 8 species from 3 genera of 2 families of rust fungi were identified, 5 of which were not previously reported by researchers in Uzbekistan. Urediynia and the fetus are noted in 3 species: Uromyces ambiguns, Puccinia allii, P. porri, and eucalyptus and spermogonia in 5 species: Melampsora allii–fragalis, M. alli–populina, M. allii salicis–albae, Puccinia permixta and P. winteriana. Most often, Puccinia allii and P. porri were the species that caused rust onions in crops. Analyzing the seasonal distribution, it can be said that the rust–fungi edicies were observed in April–May, the wreckage is observed in June–July, the bodies are observed in August–September. One of the important methods of combating onion diseases, in particular rust, is observance of crop rotations. The author also developed a technology to combat rust bows with a number fungitsitov.
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