The Revelation of Purgatory in Job 26:5-6 and Rev 20:11-15

Autor: Wojciech, Kosek
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 2589-255X
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4781705
Popis: The purpose of this article is to present the biblical proof that purgatory exists, that is, to show the ways in which the Bible presents the reality that is hidden from the eyes of those who live on earth. The key research assumption here is not rejecting the biblical images with which God spoke the truth in the language of the old generations of Israel, images that may seem unhelpful because they do not fit the contemporary understanding of posthumous reality as something immaterial. In particular, one will perform a detailed exegetical analysis of the verse Job 26:5, which mentions the dwelling of some of the dead in waters and their great suffering there. The Old Testament revelation of the existence of three spiritual states after death will be shown to be confirmed in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, in His Descent into the Abyss, and Resurrection from it. Analogous to the detailed study of Job 26:5, one will undertake in-depth exegetical analysis of the vision of the Last Judgment in Revelation, including a fragment describing the judgment on those dead who have been released from the sea waters not before but now, to be judged by God.
This paper is a translation of the article: Wojciech Kosek, Objawienie prawdy o czyśćcu w Księdze Hioba 26,5-6 i Apokalipsie 20,11-15. The Association of the Polish Biblical Scholars will publish the original text in The Festschrift in Honor of Rev. Prof. Waldemar Chrostowski on the Occasion of the Anniversary of His 70th Birthday in the 2021 year. The English translation of the original article was published first on on May 22, 2021: Subsequent versions will be published on the website:
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