Exposure to dipeptidyl‐peptidase‐4 inhibitors andCOVID‐19 among people with type 2 diabetes: A case‐control study

Autor: Lara Tramontan, Gian Paolo Fadini, Roberto Vettor, Mario Luca Morieri, Andrea Vianello, Enrico Longato, Giovanni Sparacino, Giacomo Voltan, Daniele Falaguasta, Barbara Di Camillo, Silvia Tresso, Anna Maria Cattelan, Silvia Pinelli, Giorgia Costantini, Angelo Avogaro, Paola Fioretto, Elisa Selmin, Benedetta Maria Bonora
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism
Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism
ISSN: 1463-1326
Popis: Because other coronaviruses enter the cells by binding to dipeptidyl-peptidase-4 (DPP-4), it has been speculated that DPP-4 inhibitors (DPP-4is) may exert an activity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. In the absence of clinical trial results, we analysed epidemiological data to support or discard such a hypothesis. We retrieved information on exposure to DPP-4is among patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) hospitalized for COVID-19 at an outbreak hospital in Italy. As a reference, we retrieved information on exposure to DPP-4is among matched patients with T2D in the same region. Of 403 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, 85 had T2D. The rate of exposure to DPP-4is was similar between T2D patients with COVID-19 (10.6%) and 14 857 matched patients in the region (8.8%), or 793 matched patients in the local outpatient clinic (15.4%), 8284 matched patients hospitalized for other reasons (8.5%), and when comparing 71 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 pneumonia (11.3%) with 351 matched patients with pneumonia of another aetiology (10.3%). T2D patients with COVID-19 who were on DPP-4is had a similar disease outcome as those who were not. In summary, we found no evidence that DPP-4is might affect hospitalization for COVID-19.
Databáze: OpenAIRE