Many-body theory of charge transfer in hyperthermal atomic scattering

Autor: Greg A. Kimmel, J. B. Marston, E. R. Behringer, B. H. Cooper, Dag Andersson, C. A. DiRubio, C. F. Richardson
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Physical Review B. 48:7809-7824
ISSN: 1095-3795
Popis: We use the Newns-Anderson Hamiltonian to describe many-body electronic processes that occur when hyperthermal alkali atoms scatter off metallic surfaces. Following Brako and Newns, we expand the electronic many-body wavefunction in the number of particle-hole pairs (we keep terms up to and including a single particle-hole pair). We extend their earlier work by including level crossings, excited neutrals and negative ions. The full set of equations of motion are integrated numerically, without further approximations, to obtain the many-body amplitudes as a function of time. The velocity and work-function dependence of final state quantities such as the distribution of ion charges and excited atomic occupancies are compared with experiment. In particular, experiments that scatter alkali ions off clean Cu(001) surfaces in the energy range 5 to 1600 eV constrain the theory quantitatively. The neutralization probability of Na$^+$ ions shows a minimum at intermediate velocity in agreement with the theory. This behavior contrasts with that of K$^+$, which shows ... (7 figures, not included. Figure requests:
Comment: 43 pages, plain TeX, BUP-JBM-2
Databáze: OpenAIRE