New insights into the heating mechanisms and self-regulating abilities of manganite perovskite nanoparticles suitable for magnetic fluid hyperthermia

Autor: Miguel Castro, Graziella Goglio, Arturo Mediano, Eva Natividad, Etienne Duguet, Irene Andreu, Romain Epherre
Přispěvatelé: Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón [Saragoza, España] (ICMA-CSIC), University of Zaragoza - Universidad de Zaragoza [Zaragoza], Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux (ICMCB), Institut de Chimie du CNRS (INC)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux-Université de Bordeaux (UB), Instituo de Investigacion en Ingenierıa de Aragon
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Nanoscale
Nanoscale, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2012, 4 (13), pp.3954-3962. ⟨10.1039/c2nr30667k⟩
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
ISSN: 2040-3364
Popis: The heating and self-regulating abilities of La 1-xSr xMnO 3+Δ ferromagnetic nanoparticles for magnetic fluid hyperthermia are studied. The samples, synthesized by the Glycine Nitrate Process, present non-agglomerated particles but are partially constituted by polycrystalline nanoparticles, displaying average crystallite diameters ranging from 21 to 31 nm. The strontium content of these nanoparticles, between 0.14 and 0.39, is associated with non-stoichiometry effects in the materials, and both govern their Curie temperatures (T C), which range between 13 and 86 °C, respectively. Heating experiments carried out on samples suspended in an aqueous agarose gel and with different alternating magnetic fields derive unexpected maximum temperatures that cannot be explained on the basis of static magnetization data. The measurement of the thermal dependence of the specific absorption rate (SAR) of nanopowders by adiabatic magnetothermia reveals the existence of a dissipation peak just below T C, which is assigned to a Hopkinson peak. This thermal dependence of SAR, together with a simple thermal model that considers a linear approximation for the heat power losses, is crucial to clarify the behavior observed in heating experiments and also to discuss the possibilities of the samples as self-regulating hyperthermia mediators. This analysis emphasizes that, for the correct design of a self-regulating system, the heat power losses determined by the surrounding conditions must be taken into account as well as the heating capacity of the magnetic nanoparticles. © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
This work has been funded by the Spanish MICINN and FEDER projects, grant no. MAT2007-61621 and CONSOLIDER-INGENIO in Molecular Nanoscience, grant no. CSD 2007-00010. It was also supported through the CPER Pôle 4N Nanosciences en Aquitaine (GP 206-action 216/1) by the Conseil R egional d’Aquitaine, FEDER, CNRS and Minist ere de l’Enseignement Sup erieur et de la Recherche. I. Andreu has contributed to this work thanks to a JAE-Predoc scholarship of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC).
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