Sexual conflict in self-fertile hermaphrodites: reproductive differences among species, and between individuals versus cohorts, in the leech genusHelobdella(Lophotrochozoa; Annelida; Clitellata; Hirudinida; Glossiphoniidae)

Autor: Roshni G. Iyer, David A. Weisblat, D. Valle Rogers, Christopher J. Winchell
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.1101/401901
Popis: Leeches and oligochaetes comprise a monophyletic group of annelids, the Clitellata, whose reproduction is characterized by simultaneous hermaphroditism. While most clitellate species reproduce by cross-fertilization, self-fertilization has been described within the speciose genusHelobdella. Here we document the reproductive life histories and reproductive capacities for three otherHelobdellaspecies. Under laboratory conditions, bothH. robustaandH. octatestisacaexhibit uniparental reproduction, apparently reflecting self-fertility, and suggesting that this trait is ancestral for the genus. However, the third species,H. austinensis, seems incapable of reproduction by self-fertilization, so we inferred its reproductive life history by analyzing reproduction in breeding cohorts. Comparing the reproductive parameters forH. robustareproducing in isolation and in cohorts revealed that reproduction in cohorts is dramatically delayed with respect to that of isolated individuals, and that cohorts of leeches coordinate their cocoon deposition in a manner that is not predicted from the reproductive parameters of individuals reproducing in isolation. Finally, our comparisons of reproductive capacity for individuals versus cohorts forH. robusta, and between different sizes of cohorts forH. austinensis, reveal differences in resource allocation between male and female reproductive roles that are consistent with evolutionary theory.
Databáze: OpenAIRE