Electrode Positioning to Investigate the Changes of the Thoracic Bioimpedance Caused by Aortic Dissection - A Simulation Study

Autor: Alice Reinbacher-Köstinger, Vahid Badeli, Oszkar Biro, Katrin Ellermann, Gian Marco Melito
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance
ISSN: 1891-5469
Popis: Impedance cardiography (ICG) is a non-invasive method to evaluate several cardiodynamic parameters by measuring the cardiac-synchronous changes in the dynamic transthoracic electrical impedance. ICG allows us to identify and quantify conductivity changes inside the thorax by measuring the impedance on the thorax during a cardiac cycle. Pathologic changes in the aorta, like aortic dissection, will alter the aortic shape as well as the blood flow and consequently, the impedance cardiogram. This fact distorts the evaluated cardiodynamic parameters, but it could lead to the possibility to identify aortic pathology. A 3D numerical simulation model is used to compute the impedance changes on the thorax surface in case of the type B aortic dissection. A sensitivity analysis is applied using this simulation model to investigate the suitability of different electrode configurations considering several patient-specific cases. Results show that the remarkable pathological changes in the aorta caused by aortic dissection alters the impedance cardiogram significantly.
Databáze: OpenAIRE