The Intersection of Digital Libraries and Digital Humanities: the role of the embedded librarian for multifarious DH needs

Autor: Anna Maria Tammaro, Klaus Kempf, Plamen Miltenoff, Márton Németh
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7951512
Popis: For more than a decade the digitization of libraries and their development of digital services for users have been growing up and developing parallel to the evolution of digital humanities (DH) research, or the application of digital research methods to humanities disciplines, and its growing establishment as a scientific field. More recently on both sides of the pew a partnership between digital humanities (DH and digital libraries (DL) is being forged, coagulating in a demand for DH centers within academic libraries and an increase in the call for “Embedded Digital Librarians”. The purpose of the Poster is to present socially grounded approaches to understanding DLs. The objectives are: to identify and discuss major issues that arise from the intersection of DLs and DH and, more generally, from the social nature of DLs; and to consider implications for the design and evaluation of DLs. The Poster’s theme aligns well with the Dariah 2023 Annual Meeting theme 1 “Sustainable workflows for data management and curation” and offers an opportunity to focus scholarly attention on the social, cultural, political, and economic shaping of digital libraries as sociotechnical systems and their consequences. The authors discuss their current positions and how their experiences have had an impact on DH research. They also suggest directions for future work among researchers and practitioners.  
Databáze: OpenAIRE