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I think we are agreed that the objective of research in the organization and operation of marketing business units is primarily to promote efficiency in marketing by improving organization and management. Some research may be designed, and it is undertaken at times solely to promote a better understanding of economic processes. New principles may also be discovered or old principles modified as a result of such research. In general, however, such results will be a by-product rather than a principal product of research. One reason for this is that principles of this sort must come largely from production and price analysis. Most actual research in marketing organization is therefore primarily concerned with the analysis of particular market situations and hence with the application of known economic principles to marketing agencies rather than with the development of new principles. This automatically limits the field for discussion in this paper to the gathering of data of actual marketing situations, the method of this analysis, and the use of the results. Since the chief objective of research in this field is to improve organization and management, much of the data collected and analyzed must be of such nature as will assist individual concerns to formulate better organization plans and operating methods. This means that the business of individual marketing units must be examined in detail. A serious criticism of most of the research in this field up to the present time is that the results are of little use to operators of marketing concerns. Much of the preliminary research has necessarily been to find out how the marketing system functions and to describe its processes. However, this introductory objective has in most cases not been pushed sufficiently into |