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Sara Pittonet, Trust-IT Services & Blue-Cloud Project Coordinator,joined the session ‘Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters: Synergies and next steps’ on 29 September 16:00-16.45. This session addressed how to connect and align other EU and national programmes with the Mission to achieve its ambitious 2030 objectives. This session highlighted potential synergies to deliver with impact on this EU Missions, through Horizon Europe and other programmes: CEF, EMFF, H2020, Interreg, LIFE. Discussion centred on the synergies among R&I portfolios funded under different EU programmes and how they can be linked up to the three objectives of the Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters” to take stock of what has been already put in place and what more can be done to fill potential gaps. Speakers represented different EU programmes highly relevant to this EU Mission. Blue-Cloud, the flagship initiative of the "Future of the Seas and Oceans" programme of the EC, set up an ambitious Synergies programme that managed to achieve, in a relatively limited period of time, outstanding impacts in terms of adoption and exploitation of Blue-Cloud Open Science platform and services by different communities. From the Blue-Cloud Virtual Labs, to the pilot applications developed by the Blue-Cloud Hackathon early careers, from Horizon2020 and Interreg intiatives to the ambitious Digital Twin of the Oceans programme: this slidedeck gives an overview of Blue-Cloud cross-programmes contribution to the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters. |