Pholeuon comani
Autor: | Moldovan, Oana Teodora, Racoviţă, Gheorghe, Dunay, Gejza |
Rok vydání: | 2007 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.5668803 |
Popis: | Redescription of Pholeuon comani (see also Table 1) As the original description of Pholeuon comani (Ieniştea 1955) lacks several details, important in the tribe Leptodirini, such as the inner sac of the aedeagus, we propose here the redescription of this species. Very small species, with body and all its parts smaller than in Protopholeuon and in other species of Pholeuon. Total body length 3.18 mm (��) and 3.47 mm (��). Body shape elliptical, slightly more narrow anteriorly (Fig. 2), color light brownish, eyes absent. Antennae short (2.2 mm ��, 2.3 mm ��), slightly longer in males than in females: article 7 = 0.24 mm ��, 0.25 mm ��; article 8 = 0.15 mm �� and ��; article 9 = 0.21 mm ��, 0.22 mm ��; article 10 = 0.18 mm ��, 0.19 mm ��; article 11 = 0.22 mm ��, 0.24 mm ��. Length of articles 8, 9 and 11 twice their width, length of the articles 7 and the 10 is one and a half their width. Mouthparts very similar to examined species of Pholeuon (Figs. 4, a���d) (described for Pholeuon proserpinae Knirsch, 1913 by Moldovan et al. 2004): maxillary palpomeres thin and elongate; galea flattened and covered with dense pubescence like hair-brush; lacinea shorter than galea, and covered with strong and curved bristles; mandibles wide, with curved apex having two teeth and no denticle between them; masticator border has ramified hairs. Pronotum small, short (0.81 mm ��, 0.87 mm ��) and narrow (0.86 mm ��, 0.94 mm ��), but large relative to elytra; very narrow anteriorly (0.48 mm ��, 0.51 mm ��); posteriorly with almost parallel edges. Pronotum in lateral view as in Fig. 5. Elytra convex, length 2.17 mm �� and 2.40 mm ��, width 1.35 mm �� and 1.50 mm ��; anterior half slightly wider than posterior half; punctation scattered, not arranged in parallel lines. Elytral pubescence short and dense. Male tarsi 5 -segmented and female tarsi 4 -segmented. Protarsi length 0.31 mm (��) and 0.24 mm (��), width 0.10 mm (��) and 0.06 mm (��). In both sexes legs elongated, with long sensory setae and long claws; adhesive pads on tarsal setae present only in male (Figs. 4, e���f), as in all other species of Pholeuon. Aedeagus small (length 1.1 mm), dorsally with invagination less deep than in other species of Pholeuon; long apical and basal blades and very short body (median blade) (Fig. 6); median part of the invagination is completely reduced. Parameres apically thinner, slightly inflected, with three setae, as in all species of Pholeuon; inner sac with two tufts of sclerotized prickles (Fig. 6). Spermatheca (Fig. 7) similar to that of other species of Pholeuon. Mesopholeuon Moldovan, Racovi ţă & Dunay, new subgenus Type species: Pholeuon comani Ieniştea, 1955. Derivatio nominis: morphologically, the name Mesopholeuon refers to our view that this subgenus can be considered intermediate between Protopholeuon and Pholeuon. FIGURE 4. Mouthparts and details of anterior tarsus and pretarsus of Pholeuon comani. a. maxilla with long galea and elongated maxillar palp, scale bar 150 ��m; b. labium in dorsal view with tufts of sensory setae and labial palps, scale bar 150 ��m; c. labrum with sensory setae boarding its apex, scale bar 100 ��m; d. left mandible with two apical teeth, scale bar 100 ��m; e. detail of the male tarsus 1 st article, covered by setae with adhesive pads, scale bar 25 ��m; f. protarsal segment 5 and pretarsus, scale bar 50 ��m. Abbreviations: c���claw, e���empodium, g���galea, h���sensory setae, l���lacinea, lp���labial palp, mp���maxillar palp, t���teeth, u���unguitractor. Description and diagnosis. The adults have the attributes characteristic for all Pholeuon species and, additionally, the following combination of features: Body (Figs. 2, 3) very small (3.0��� 3.5 mm in length), with typical pholeuonid form, elongated and slender; brown-reddish color. Head small with relatively short antennae. Pronotum relatively large, slightly wider than longer; extremely narrow anteriorly, almost half of the maximum width of the pronotum; posteriorly with parallel edges. Elytra elliptical, dorso-ventrally very convex with fine, short and dense punctation. Aedeagus (Fig. 6) small and robust, with less deep dorsal invagination, long apical and basal blades and very short body; median part of the invagination is completely reduced; parameres apically thinner, slightly inflected, with three setae; inner sac with two tufts of sclerotized prickles. The subgenus Mesopholeuon includes the smallest species of the genus. Body, pronotum, elytrae are the shortest and narrowest among the Pholeuon species. Some of the most distinct features of Mesopholeuon are the very reduced anterior part of pronotum (aPw on Fig. 3), and the short antennae. Other diagnostic characters of Mesopholeuon are in the aedeagus, particularly its small size due to the reduction of the median lobe, and dorsal invagination (Fig. 8) being less deep and completely reduced in its median part. The basal and apical blades are long, almost as long as in the other species of Pholeuon. Published as part of Moldovan, Oana Teodora, Racovi����, Gheorghe & Dunay, Gejza, 2007, Reconsidering Pholeuon C. Hampe (Coleoptera: Leiodidae: Cholevinae), with the description of a new subgenus, pp. 31-43 in Zootaxa 1449 on pages 34-38, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.176197 {"references":["Ienistea, M. A. (1955) Contributii la cunoasterea faunei de coleoptere cavernicole din R. P. R. Buletinul S tiin l ific, Sec l iunea de S tiin l e Biologice, Agricole, Geologice s i Geografice, 7, 409 - 426.","Moldovan, O. T., Jalzic, B. & Erichsen, E. (2004) Diversity of mouthparts in some European representatives of subterranean Cholevidae (Coleoptera). Natura Croatica, 13, 1 - 18."]} |
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