A Novel Symmetric Four Dimensional Polytope Found Using Optimization Strategies Inspired by Thomson's Problem of Charges on a Sphere

Autor: Altschuler, Eric Lewin, Pérez Garrido, Antonio, Stong, Richard
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Repositorio Digital de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.physics/0601139
Popis: Inspired by, and using methods of optimization derived from classical three dimensional electrostatics, we note a novel beautiful symmetric four dimensional polytope we have found with 80 vertices. We also describe how the method used to find this symmetric polytope, and related methods can potentially be used to find good examples for the kissing and packing problems in D dimensions. We thank Andrew M. Gleason for helpful discussions. A.P.G. would like to acknowledge financial support from spanish MCyT under grant No. MAT2003–04887.
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