Pachymetric Assessment After EpiSmart® Epithelium-on Cross-Linking for Keratoconus and Post-Surgical Ectasia

Autor: Neel S Vaidya, Arvin Daneshmand, Randy J Epstein, Parag A Majmudar, Michael W Belin, Edward C Parsons, Roy S Rubinfeld
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Clinical Ophthalmology. 16:1829-1835
ISSN: 1177-5483
Popis: Neel S Vaidya,1,2 Arvin Daneshmand,3 Randy J Epstein,1,2 Parag A Majmudar,1,2 Michael W Belin,4,5 Edward C Parsons,5 Roy S Rubinfeld5– 7 1Chicago Cornea Consultants, Highland Park, IL, USA; 2Department of Ophthalmology, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA; 3Georgetown University Medical School, Washington, DC, USA; 4Department of Ophthalmology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA; 5CXL Ophthalmics, LLC, Encinitas, CA, USA; 6Department of Ophthalmology, Georgetown University Medical School/Washington Hospital Cente, Washington, DC, USA; 7Re:Vision Private Practice, Rockville, MD, USACorrespondence: Neel S Vaidya, Chicago Cornea Consultants, 806 Central Ave Suite 300, Highland Park, IL, 60035, USA, Email nsv@chicagocornea.comPurpose: To assess the change in corneal pachymetry after a novel epithelium-on (EpiSmart®) corneal crosslinking procedure (CXL).Methods: Eyes treated as part of the open-label, non-controlled arm of the study “Collagen Crosslinking with Ultraviolet-A in Asymmetric Corneas” (NCT01097447) were examined at baseline, 3-, 6- and 12-months post-CXL. Thinnest pachymetry readings based on Pentacam (OCULUS GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) were recorded.Results: A total of 101 eyes met the study inclusion criteria. Thinnest pachymetric readings at baseline averaged 451 ± 50 microns. The mean (± SD) minimum thickness was 450 ± 46 microns at 3 months, 452 ± 47 microns at 6 months, and 451 ± 48 microns at 12 months post-CXL. The changes from baseline (mean ± SE) at 3, 6, and 12 months post-CXL were − 1.2 ± 1.5 microns, 0.5 ± 1.6 microns, and 0.4 ± 1.6 microns, respectively. Student’s t-tests showed no statistically significant change in pachymetry from baseline for any exam period.Conclusion: This study demonstrated that, after EpiSmart® epithelium-on CXL, there was no substantial corneal thinning observable on Scheimpflug tomography out to 12 months.Keywords: corneal thinning, cross-linking, epithelium-on, keratoconus, pachymetry, post-surgical ectasia
Databáze: OpenAIRE
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