Heptascelio bivius Johnson & Masner, new species

Autor: Johnson, Norman F., Masner, Lubom��r, Musetti, Luciana, Noort, Simon Van, K, Rajmohana, Darling, Christopher, Polaszek, Antonia Guidotti Andrew
Rok vydání: 2008
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6235550
Popis: Heptascelio bivius Johnson & Masner, new species urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 990 C 39 E 8-54 EB- 4 C 15-9387 - 8 B 471 DF 83 DB 5 urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-state.edu:osuc_concepts: 223411 Figures 17���20; Morphbank 25 Description. Female body length: 4.4 mm (n= 1). Male body length: unknown. Body color of female: entirely dark, dark brown to black. Color of female antenna: brown to dark brown throughout. Color of wing membrane: with weak general brown infuscation, longitudinal dark streak below submarginal vein moderately developed. Color of legs: coxae, femora, tibiae dark brown, otherwise brown. Body color of male: unknown. Color of male antenna: unknown. Sculpture of occiput and posterior vertex: coarsely punctate. Sculpture of frons below ocellus in female: coarsely punctate. Shape of dorsal margin of frontal scrobe: ecarinate, rounded onto dorsal portion of frons. Sculpture of frontal depression in female: entirely smooth. Sculpture of gena: coarsely punctate. Setation of gena: with short, uniform setae, with few short bristles interspersed. Shape of mandibles: normal length, crossed transversely below head when closed, tips overlapping. Sculpture of dorsal pronotum: coarsely punctate. Notaulus: present. Sculpture of mesoscutum in female: http://atbi.biosci.ohio-state.edu/HymOnline/map-large.html?id= 223410 24. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:specimen: 2 B 536566 -FE 43-464 F-AD 69 - A 16430 D 7437 B http://www.morphbank.net/?id= 224266 midlobe coarsely punctate, lateral lobes with punctures sparser, separated by smooth areas. Sculpture of mesoscutum in male: unknown. Parapsidal line: absent. Mesoscutellum shape: broad, weakly convex, apex broadly rounded. Sculpture of female mesoscutellum: coarsely punctate. Scutellar points of female: forming short, sharp angles, not protruding. Sculpture of male mesoscutellum: unknown. Scutellar points of male: unknown. Posterior surface of propodeum: with central row of quadrate areolae above large smooth central area, bounded laterally by carinae. Length of outer propodeal projection in female: moderately elongate, not reaching midpoint of length of T 1, subequal in length to inner propodeal projection. Sculpture of propodeum between inner and outer propodeal projections: areolate rugose. Netrion shape: moderately wide, weakly fusiform, with column of elongate foveae. Netrion setation: densely setose. Sculpture of lateral pronotum posterior to epomial carina: coarsely foveolate immediately behind epomial carina, elsewhere sparsely punctate. Setation of posterior half of lateral pronotum: with numerous scattered setae, densest near spiracle. Sculpture of mesopleural scrobe: coarsely punctate. Sculpture of lower mesepisternum: smooth. Sculpture of metapleuron: coarsely punctate. Fore wing venation: well-developed, with R, r-rs clearly visible. Submarginal vein bristles: absent. Long dark bristles on legs: absent. T 1 depression: moderately to densely setose. Sublateral lamella on T 1: distinctly raised more or less perpendicular to T 1. Sculpture of T 2 ���T 4: longitudinally striate, with fine cross striae, punctures, smooth or finely punctulate transverse band apically. Setation of laterotergites: setose. Sculpture of S 2, S 3 of female: longitudinally rugulose laterally, nearly smooth medially, with scattered small punctures. Sculpture of S 2, S 3 of male: unknown. Distribution of felt fields: present on S 2 ���S 3. Diagnosis. This species is most similar to H. dayi with which it shares the punctate mesoscutellum. It may be distinguished by the distinct notauli on the mesoscutum (Fig. 19). Etymology. The epithet bivius, two ways, refers to the notauli, unique for this species of Heptascelio. Link to Distribution Map. 26 Material Examined. Holotype female: INDONESIA: Papua, Nabire, S Cenderawasih Bay, 0���30 m, 2��� 9.VII. 1962, Malaise trap, J. Sedlacek & J.L. Gressitt, OSUC 186467 (deposited in BPBM) 27. Comments. This specimen has been rather roughly handled over the years. When first examined, it was densely covered with moth scales which had to be removed. Therefore, we believe it possible that the absence of bristles on R is an artifact.
Published as part of Johnson, Norman F., Masner, Lubom��r, Musetti, Luciana, Noort, Simon Van, K, Rajmohana, Darling, Christopher & Polaszek, Antonia Guidotti Andrew, 2008, Revision of world species of the genus Heptascelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea, Platygastridae), pp. 1-51 in Zootaxa 1776 on pages 12-13, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.274283
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