Evaluation of the use of vaginal tampons and vaginal douche practices among womenKadınların vajinal tampon ve vajinal duş uygulama durumlarının değerlendirmesi

Autor: Eda Yakit, Eylem Karakaya, Anayit Margirit Coşkun
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of Human Sciences; Vol 14, No 1 (2017); 74-88
Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi; Vol 14, No 1 (2017); 74-88
ISSN: 2458-9489
Popis: Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of vaginal tampons and vaginal douche practices among women. Method: The sample of the study was consisted of 200 women who participated the Women's Health Education Program (WHEP) conducted by the Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation in Diyarbakir, Istanbul, Kilis and Izmir. Data were collected with face-to-face interviews using a 33-item questionnaire between November 2014 and January 2016. Ethical approval was obtained from the ethics committee of Bezmialem Foundation University and written consent was obtained from the women who voluntarily participated in the study. The data were evaluated using SPSS 16.0 package program using percentage, chi-square and logistic regression analysis. Results : More than half of the participating women were using vaginal douche (56.0%), while those receiving vaginal tampons (24.5%) were fewer. Vaginal douching was most needed after sexual intercourse (39.5%) and mostly practiced with water (58.9%). It was determined that as the level of education increased, there was a decrease in the rate of vaginal douche and tampon use, even if it did not reach a significant level. Most of the women who married under the age of 18 were doing these practices more often. Of the women, 69.6% stated that vaginal douche was beneficial for health. The rate of women who had counseling from a health professional about vaginal douche was 15%, and 28.5% of women reported that they recommended this practice to others. Conclusion : A significant proportion of women were practicing vaginal douche and even more striking is that they have no awareness that this practice may be harmful. It will be important for the health professionals to give importance on this issue in their education and counseling programs for women. Ozet Amac: Bu arastirma kadinlarin vajinal tampon ve dus uygulama durumlarini belirlemek amaciyla gerceklestirilmistir. Yontem: Arastirmamizin orneklemini, Turkiye Aile Sagligi ve Planlamasi tarafindan yurutulen Kadin Sagligi Egitim Programina (KSEP) Diyarbakir, Istanbul, Kilis ve Izmir illerinden katilan toplam 200 kadin olusturmustur. Veriler, 33 soruluk anket formu ile Kasim 2014 Ocak 2016 tarihleri arasinda birebir gorusme yontemi ile elde edilmistir. Calismanin etik kurul onayi, T.C.Bezmialem Vakif Universitesi etik kurulundan ve yine calismaya gonullu olarak katilan kadinlardan yazili onam alinmistir.Veriler SPSS 16,0 paket programi ile yuzdelik,Ki-kare ve lojistik regresyon analizleri kullanilarak degerlendirilmistir. Bulgular: Katilimci kadinlarin yarisindan fazlasi vajinal dus yapmaktaydi (%56,0), vajinal tampon uygulayanlar ise(%24,5) daha az sayidaydi. Vajinal dusa en cok cinsel iliski sonrasi ihtiyac duyuldugu ( %39,5)ve en fazla uygulamanin su ile yapildigi (%58,9) belirlendi. Egitim duzeyi yukseldikce vajinal dus ve tampon uygulama oraninda, anlamli duzeye ulasmasa da, azalma oldugu saptandi. 18 yas ve altinda evlenen kadinlarin buyuk bolumu bu uygulamalari daha sik yapmaktaydi. Kadinlarin %69,6’si, vajinal dusun saglik acisindan yararli oldugunu belirtti. Vajinal dus ile ilgili saglik personelinden danismanlik alanlar %15 oranindaydi ve %28,5’i baskalarina da bu uygulamayi onerdigini bildirdi. Sonuc: Kadinlarin onemli bir bolumu vajinal dus uygulamakta ve daha da carpici olani bu uygulamanin zararli olabilecegi konusunda farkindaliklarinin olmamasiydi. Saglik personelinin kadinlara yonelik egitim/danismanlik programlarinda bu konuya ozel gostermesi onemli olacaktir.
Databáze: OpenAIRE