Stochastic Dynamics of Infrared Fluctuations in Accelerating Universe

Autor: Cook Hyun Kim, Hiroyuki Kitamoto, Gihyuk Cho
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Popis: We extend investigations of infrared dynamics in accelerating universes. In the presence of massless and minimally coupled scalar fields, physical quantities may acquire growing time dependences through quantum fluctuations at super-horizon scales. From a semiclassical viewpoint, it was proposed that such infrared effects are described by a Langevin equation. In de Sitter space, the stochastic approach has been proved to be equivalent to resummation of the growing time dependences at the leading power. In this paper, we make the resummation derivation of the Langevin equation in a general accelerating universe. We first consider an accelerating universe whose slow-roll parameter is constant, and then extend the background as the slow-roll parameter becomes time dependent. The resulting Langevin equation contains a white noise term and the coefficient of each term is modified by the slow-roll parameter. Furthermore we find that the semiclassical description of the scalar fields leads to the same stochastic equation as far as we adopt an appropriate time coordinate.
20 pages
Databáze: OpenAIRE