Šumarska enciklopedija (1959–63., 1980–87) i njene osobitosti

Autor: Vlatka Godinić Mikulčić
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Studia lexicographica : časopis za leksikografiju i enciklopedistiku
Volume 16
Issue 31
ISSN: 2459-5578
DOI: 10.33604/sl.16.31.1
Popis: Šume su značajni čuvar prirodnih uvjeta života, izvor gospodarske vrijednosti i sirovina za drvnu industriju i mnoge druge industrijske grane. Šumarstvo je složena djelatnost koja sadržava biološku, ekološku, tehničku i ekonomsku komponentu pa se enciklopedijska obradba toga područja nameće kao imperativ. Iako je malen broj zemalja koje su pristupile izdavanju posebne šumarske enciklopedije, obiman rad Leksikografskoga zavoda (isprva Leksikografski zavod FNRJ, od 1991. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža) vrlo je brzo nakon osnutka obuhvatio šumarstvo i izdao izvorno koncipiranu Šumarsku enciklopediju (1–2. sv. u 1. izd. 1959–63. te 1–3. sv. u 2. izd. 1980–87; glavni urednici Aleksandar Ugrenović i Zvonimir Potočić), koja se može svrstati među enciklopedičke rijetkosti. Metodologija rada obuhvaćala je u prvome redu (1) pronalaženje, selektiranje i organiziranje znanstvenih informacija iz primarnih izvora. Služba arhiva Općega odjela Zavoda obavlja poslove čuvanja arhivskoga gradiva i potrebno gradivo o Šumarskoj enciklopediji bilo je dostupno, opsežno i vrlo raznoliko. U ovome je radu pokazano da pohranjeni zapisi o nastanku Šumarske enciklopedije predstavljaju brižljivo zabilježena svjedočanstva u obliku korespondencija, bilješki sa sastanaka, sačuvanih originalnih članaka itd. Metodologija je dalje uključivala (2) analizu arhivskog gradiva, proučavanje i analizu oba izdanja Šumarske enciklopedije, ali i znanstvenih radova iz drugih izvora, napose znanstvenih časopisa. Vodeći računa o cilju rada, koji je u ovome radu bio dvojak, u rezultatima se donosi osvrt na urednike struka i autore članaka te ilustracija u Šumarskoj enciklopediji (1), a potom se analizira i valorizira sadržaj i struktura oba izdanja Šumarske enciklopedije (2). Rezultati analize pokazuju da je prvo izdanje Šumarske enciklopedije odgovaralo svojim sadržajem trenutku u kojemu je stvorena, tadašnjim potrebama šumarske i drvnoindustrijske tehnologije i stručnih kadrova. U sljedeća dva desetljeća postignut je neočekivano velik napredak u nizu stručnih disciplina koje ulaze u područje interesa šumarstva i drvne industrije. Drugo izdanje Šumarske enciklopedije nastojalo je udovoljiti očekivanjima stručnjaka i javnosti koja su proizlazila iz potreba novoga doba. Trebala je poslužiti kao udžbenik i kao priručnik. Time je čitatelj dobio cjelovitu i preglednu sliku pojedinih zaokruženih sadržaja. Šumarska enciklopedija, koja je izišla u izdanju Leksikografskoga zavoda, uspjela je sažeto prikazati fundamentalna saznanja o šumarstvu svima zainteresiranima, olakšavajući donošenje stručnih odluka pri rješavanju šumarske teorijske i praktične problematike.
Forests are an important guardian of natural living conditions, a source of economic value and raw materials for the wood industry and many other industries. Forestry is a complex activity that contains biological, ecological, technical, and economic components, and that deserves to be treated encyclopedically. Although a few countries started publishing a special forestry encyclopedia at that time, the extensive work of the Institute of Lexicography (at first the Institute of Lexicography of the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia; since 1991 The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography) covered forestry very soon after its foundation, and published the originally designed The Encyclopedia of Forestry (vols 1–2 of the 1st edition, 1959–63, and vols 1–3 of the 2nd edition, 1980–87; chief editors Aleksandar Ugrenović and Zvonimir Potočić), which may be considered an encyclopedic rarity. The working methodology included, first of all, (1) finding, selecting, and organising scientific information from primary sources. The archive service of the Department of Human Resources and Legal Affairs of the Institute performs the tasks of keeping archival material, and the necessary material on The Encyclopedia of Forestry was available, extensive, and very diverse. In this paper, it is shown that the stored records of the creation of The Encyclopedia of Forestry thus represent carefully recorded testimonies in the form of correspondence, notes from meetings, preserved original articles, etc. The methodology further included (2) the analysis of archival material and the study and analysis of The Encyclopedia of Forestry itself (both editions) as well as scientific papers from other sources, especially scientific journals. Considering the aim of the work, which in this paper was twofold, the results include a review of professional editors and authors of articles and illustrations in The Encyclopaedia of Forestry (1), after which the content and structure of both editions of The Encyclopedia of Forestry are analysed and evaluated (2). The results of the analysis show that the first edition of The Encyclopedia of Forestry corresponded in its content to the moment in which it was created, to the then needs of forestry and wood industry technology and professional personnel. In the following two decades, unexpectedly great progress was achieved in a number of professional disciplines that enter the field of interest of forestry and the wood industry. The second edition of The Encyclopedia of Forestry tried to meet the expectations of experts and the public that arose from the needs of this new era. It was to serve as both a textbook and a manual. Thus, the reader received a complete and comprehensive picture of certain contents. The Encyclopedia of Forestry, which was published by the Institute of Lexicography, managed to concisely present fundamental knowledge about forestry to all who were interested, but it also facilitated the making of professional decisions when solving theoretical and practical issues in forestry.
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