Popis: |
Велев, Венцислав. Българските културни институти в чужбина – инструмент за представяне на българската култура и за обединение на българската диаспора. – В: За българската диаспора – представите за родното. АИ „За буквите – О писменехь“. С., 2022, с.90-98, ISBN 978-619-185-544-5 ON THE BULGARIAN DIASPORA -NOTIONS OF WHAT IS NATIVE The eleven Bulgarian cultural institutes, which have been opened outside the country, are an important tool for the implementation of cultural policy abroad. At the same time, they are a partner of the organizations of Bulgarians abroad, in view not only of the contact with the contemporary Bulgarian culture, but also of the preservation of the traditions and the national identity. This article focuses on the presence of Bulgarian cultural institutes, as a unifying center of Bulgarians living outside the country. The normative grounds for this activity are indicated. There are also specific examples that convincingly reveal their role in this direction. The need for a clearer description of their functions is pointed out, with a view to a wider development of their activities. |