Association between 'plagiocephaly' and hemifacial microsomia

Autor: Bonnie L. Padwa, Richard J. Bruneteau, John B. Mulliken
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: American journal of medical genetics. 47(8)
ISSN: 0148-7299
Popis: Fifteen of 155 patients with hemifcial microsomia were noted to have frontal plagiocephaly. These patients were examined to determine whether the frontal flattening was either secondary to deformation, the result of unilateral coronal synostosis, or part of the spectrum of hemifacial microsomia. The patients were categorized as having deformational versus synostotic frontal plagiocephaly by documenting position of the supraorbital rims, nasal root, ears, malar eminences, chin point, and the palperbral fissure height. Other extracraniofacial anomalies were also noted. Fourteen of 15(93%) patients had characteristic deformational abnormalities. Only 1/15(7%) had an elevated orbit, suggestive of unilateral coronal synostosis, but theis diagnosis was not radiographically confirmed. Frontal deformational plagiocephaly was ipsilateral to the side predominantly affreted by hemifacial microsomia in all but on e patient. Patients with hemifacial microsomia-deformational frontal plagiocephaly often had ipsilateral torticollis, cervical spine abnormalities, and anomalies outside the craniofacial region. This was in contrast to patients with deformational frontal plagiocephaly, in the absence of hemifacial microsomia, who frequently had ipsilateral torticollis but no other anomalies. This study also undrscores possible confusion in defferentiating hemifacial microsomia from deformaional hemifacial hypoplasia on physical exaination. The association of deformational frontal plagiocephaly and hemifacial microsomia belies a rigid etiologic label of deformational versus malformative anomaly. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
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