A basic Helmholtz Kernel Information Profile for machine-actionable FAIR Digital Objects

Autor: Jejkal, Thomas, Pfeil, Andreas, Schweikert, Jan, Pirogov, Anton, Barranco, Pedro Videgain, Krebs, Florian, Koch, Christian, Günther, Gerrit, Curdt, Constanze, Weinelt, Martin
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: To reach the declared goal of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Platform, making the depth and breadth of research data produced by Helmholtz Centres findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) for the whole science community, the concept of FAIR Digital Objects (FAIR DOs) has been chosen as top-level commonality across all research fields and their existing and future infrastructures. Over the last years, not only by the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Platform, but on an international level, the roads towards realizing FAIR DOs has been paved more and more by concretizing concepts and implementing base services required for realizing FAIR DOs, e.g., different instances of Data Type Registries for accessing, creating, and managing Data Types required by FAIR DOs and technical components to support the creation and management of FAIR DOs: The Typed PID Maker providing machine actionable interfaces for creating, validating, and managing PIDs with machine-actionable metadata stored in their PID record, or the FAIR DO testbed, currently evolving into the FAIR DO Lab, serving as reference implementation for setting up a FAIR DO ecosystem. However, introducing FAIR DOs is not only about providing technical services, but also requires the definition and agreement on interfaces, policies, and processes. A first step in this direction was made in the context of HMC by agreeing on a Helmholtz Kernel Information Profile. In the concept of FAIR DOs, PID Kernel Information is key to machine actionability of digital content. Strongly relying on Data Types and stored in the PID record directly at the PID resolution service, PID Kernel Information is allowed to be used by machines for fast decision making. In this session, we will shortly present the Helmholtz Kernel Information Profile and a first demonstrator allowing the semi-automatic creation of FAIR DOs for arbitrary DOIs accessible via the well-known Zenodo repository.
Databáze: OpenAIRE