Educational Leadership Competencies: Efforts to Create a School Culture of Character

Autor: Shindy Lestari, Tri Ulfa, Farah Alfian Ghofar Rahmat, Khasbi Ainun Najib
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7747844
Popis: Efforts to realize a school culture of character, first a leader who shows the example of leadership of his character and has positive competence both in terms of personality, managerial, entrepreneurship, supervision and social. This research uses descriptive methods with a qualitative approach. The study sample consisted of 1 principal and 15 IT elementary school teachers RaudhaturrahmahPekanbaru. This research aims as a study material and provides information about educational leadership that has competence will be able to make policies in accordance with the values of character and development of science and technology and efforts that can be made in realizing a school culture of character. The results of this study include: the cultivation of cultural values integrated in:1) rules of order, 2) routine activities, 3) spontaneous activities, 4) transparency, 5) school literacy movements, 6) learning activities and 7) extracurricular activities. So it is very important that all stakholders play an active role in trying to get used to instilling character values in order to become a school culture and form a complete personality in each individual.
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