Substituent Effects on the Spin-Transition Temperature in Complexes with Tris(pyrazolyl) Ligands

Autor: Alfred X. Trautwein, Hauke Paulsen, Lars Duelund, Michael Gerdan, Axel Zimmermann, Hans Toftlund, Heiner Winkler, Frédéric Averseng
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Paulsen, H, Duelund, L, Zimmermann, A, Averseng, F, Gerdan, M, Winkler, H, Nielsen, H T & Trautwein, A X 2003, ' Substituent Effects on the Spin-Transition Temperature in Complexes with Tris(pyrazolyl) Ligands ', Monatshefte für Chemie / Chemical Monthly, vol. 134, pp. 179-190 .
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1206.1883
Popis: Iron (II) complexes with substituted tris(pyrazolyl) ligands, which exhibit a thermally driven transition from a low-spin state at low temperatures to a high-spin state at elevated temperatures, have been studied by M\"ossbauer spectroscopy and magnetic susceptibility measurements. From the observed spectra the molar high-spin fraction and the transition temperature have been extracted. All substituents, except for bromine, lead to a decrease of the transition temperature. Density functional calculations have been carried out to compare the experimentally observed shifts of the transition temperature with those derived from theory.
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