Using a Human-Centered Design Approach to Improve Anticipatory Guidance on Early Cognitive and Language Development During the Well-Child Visit

Autor: Megan E Reyna, Kristin R. Leffel, Jason Castaneda, Asher Liu, Louisa Dru Brenner, Risa Brudney, Dana L. Suskind
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Council on Early Childhood Program.
Popis: Background: The early learning environment is an important social determinant of health associated with socioeconomic status (SES) and linked to outcomes including reading proficiency and IQ. Parental knowledge of early cognitive development mediates the relationship between education and caregiving behaviors, and pediatric providers are often considered the primary source of this information for low SES parents. Yet, time constraints, lack of resources, and limited understanding of a parent’s knowledge hinders providers from giving anticipatory guidance in this area. Human-Centered Design (HCD) is a design methodology that offers a useful framework for developing an intervention …
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