Linker histones regulate fine-scale chromatin organization and modulate developmental decisions in Arabidopsis

Autor: Lusik Cherkezyan, Christoph Ringli, Kinga Rutowicz, Benoit Mermaz, Célia Baroux, Andrzej Jerzmanowski, Tohnyui Ndinyanka Fabrice, Simon Fritz, Stefan Grob, Maciej Lirski, Imen Mestiri, Fredy Barneche, Gianluca Teano, Magdalena A. Kroteń, Jasmin Schubert
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.1101/458364
Popis: Chromatin in eukaryotes provides a tunable platform to control gene expression and convey an epigenetic memory throughout cell divisions. H1 linker histones are abundant components with an intrinsic potential in influencing chromatin structure and function. We detail the impact of H1 depletion in Arabidopsis on fine-scale chromatin organization, transcription and development. While required for chromocenter assembly, H1s are dispensable for transposable element (TE) silencing and peripheral positioning of heterochromatin. In euchromatin, H1 regulates nucleosome density, mobility, and regular distribution of nanoscale chromatin domains. While necessary to maintain epigenetic patterns, H1 only moderately affects transcription. Its depletion is associated with failures in transitional fate changes such as lateral root initiation, root hair production, stomata patterning but also flowering and dormancy regulation. Therefore, Arabidopsis H1 variants are chromatin architects mediating nano‐ and microscale levels-of-organization operating downstream of epigenetic and transcriptional establishment processes and contribute to epigenetic reorientations in developmental transitions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE