Kirzner’s attempt to build bridges between the Austrian School and other approaches: evidence from lesser known works

Autor: Lucas Casonato, Eduardo Angeli
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Economia e Sociedade, Volume: 30, Issue: 2, Pages: 497-518, Published: 16 JUL 2021
Economia e Sociedade v.30 n.2 2021
Economia e Sociedade
Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP)
Economia e Sociedade, Vol 30, Iss 2, Pp 497-518 (2021)
Popis: Resumo O artigo apresenta o pensamento econômico de Israel Kirzner expresso nas resenhas de livros, comentários e respostas que ele escreveu ao longo da carreira. Propõe investigar e sistematizar as características do pensamento econômico do autor que emergem nesse material: sua relação com a praxeologia misesiana, outras perspectivas para a teoria de atividade empresarial e sua percepção de diferentes correntes econômicas. Justifica-se a escolha desse material pelo engajamento profissional de Kirzner, que procurou dialogar com outras escolas econômicas. Abstract The paper presents the economic thought of Israel Kirzner, expressed in book reviews, commentaries, and responses that he has written throughout his career. It proposes to investigate and systematize the characteristics of the author’s economic thought that emerge in this material: his relationship with the Misesian praxeology, other perspectives of the theory of entrepreneurship, and his perception of different economic schools of thought. The material chosen is justified by the professional engagement of Kirzner, who sought to dialogue with other economic schools.
Databáze: OpenAIRE