Highly Scalable Conversion of Blood Protoporphyrin to Efficient Electrocatalyst for CO2-to-CO Conversion

Autor: Matteo Miola, Edmund Welter, Troels Skrydstrup, Kim Daasbjerg, Marcel Ceccato, Xin-Ming Hu, Annette-E. Surkus, Henrik Junge, Steen Uttrup Pedersen, Matthias Beller, Simin Li
Přispěvatelé: Product Technology
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Advanced Materials Interfaces, 8(12):2100067. Wiley
Miola, M, Li, S, Hu, X-M, Ceccato, M, Surkus, A-E, Welter, E, Pedersen, S U, Junge, H, Skrydstrup, T, Beller, M & Daasbjerg, K 2021, ' Highly Scalable Conversion of Blood Protoporphyrin to Efficient Electrocatalyst for CO 2-to-CO Conversion ', Advanced Materials Interfaces, vol. 8, no. 12, 2100067 . https://doi.org/10.1002/admi.202100067
ISSN: 2196-7350
Popis: Electrochemical CO2 reduction to valuable chemicals represents a greenand sustainable approach to close the anthropogenic carbon cycle, but hasbeen impeded by low efficiency and high cost of electrocatalysts. Here, acost-effective hybrid catalyst consisting of hemin (chloroprotoporphyrin IXiron(III)), a product recovered from bovine blood, adsorbed onto commercialVulcan carbon is reported. Upon heat treatment, this material shows significantlyimproved activity and selectivity for CO2 reduction in water whileexhibiting good stability for more than 10 h. The heat treatment leads toconsecutive removal of the axial chlorine atom and decomposition of the ironporphyrin ring, restructuring to form atomic Fe sites. The optimized hybridcatalyst obtained at 900 °C shows near-unity selectivity for reduction of CO2to CO at a small overpotential of 310 mV. The insight into transformation ofadsorbed Fe complexes into single Fe atoms upon heat treatment providesguidance for development of single atom catalysts.
Databáze: OpenAIRE