Intergroup threat as a mediator of ethnic identification and intergroup orientations

Autor: Margareta Jelić, Ena Uzelac, Dinka Čorkalo Biruški
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Language and Social Psychology
ISSN: 0261-927X
Popis: In Croatia, four minority groups practice their right to education in their respective mother tongues. Relations between the majority and minority groups in the four multiethnic communities have developed under different historical circumstances. Thus, in some regions the different language of the minority and the majority group can be perceived as a threat to identity and result in intergroup prejudice and discrimination, whereas in others it might not. In this study, we wanted to examine: (a) the mediating effect of perceived threat on the relationship between in-group identification and intergroup orientation, (b) whether those relationships are moderated by the group status, and (c) contextual specificities, that is, we wanted to test the model in four different contexts. Results showed that ethnonationalism (rather than ethnic identity) is detrimental for intergroup relations, partially due to its connection to the perception of the out-group as a threat. Model tests in different contexts revealed some contextual differences.
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