Tevatron constraints on models of the Higgs boson with exotic spin and parity using decays to bottom-antibottom quark pairs

Autor: K. Tollefson, Elisabetta Pianori, A. V. Kotwal, I. Shreyber-Tecker, Federico Sforza, Gregory R Snow, Gianluca Introzzi, R. Lopes De Sá, Andrew Mehta, Jacobo Konigsberg, I. Ripp-Baudot, Hao Song, Matteo Bauce, A. Meyer, Stefano Camarda, M. D'Errico, B. Esham, Aidan Robson, A. Melnitchouk, G. Alkhazov, D. P. Benjamin, S. Behari, Y. Kato, J. Guimaraes Da Costa, D. Tonelli, I. V. Gorelov, Zhenbin Wu, Kamil Augsten, Daniel Whiteson, F. Ruffini, S. Donati, Kenichi Hatakeyama, O. Gonzalez Lopez, S. Leo, M. Gold, D. Li, J. D. Lewis, Pushpalatha C Bhat, Tara Shears, S. Desai, D. Goldin, Petr Vokac, Tetsuo Arisawa, C. Neu, W. M. Lee, C. Pagliarone, D. Menezes, Stanislav Tokár, Fumihiko Ukegawa, A. Artikov, M. Franklin, D. R. Claes, Gavin Davies, H. H. Williams, P. H. Garbincius, Adrian Buzatu, Luciano Ristori, Tiehui Liu, F. Badaud, R. Magaña-Villalba, S. W. Cho, S. Y. Jun, H. E. Fisk, Gianluca Petrillo, P. B. Renton, Robert Hirosky, Joseph Haley, V. Simak, Sabine Lammers, Rodolfo Carosi, S. W. Youn, Ruchika Nayyar, Paul Lujan, A. Loginov, U. K. Yang, Chris Hays, J. Asaadi, Y. Scheglov, J. C. Freeman, A. Sanchez-Hernandez, Sergo Jindariani, L. Santi, H. Miyake, A. Y. Verkheev, Ziqing Hong, T. Harrington-Taber, Y. Zeng, Shabnam Jabeen, Alberto Annovi, M. Merkin, Y. W. Liu, N. Prokopenko, A. T. Goshaw, P. Garosi, Christophe Royon, J. Budagov, J. P. Negret, Mario Campanelli, Christoph Paus, G. Velev, Y. Seiya, G. Gutierrez, Hongfang Liu, J. E. Kim, R. E. Hughes, A. Das, Mitchell Wayne, H. Schellman, J. M. Kohli, Suneel Dutt, A. Ruiz, A. Alton, Meng Wang, T. Nigmanov, Giuseppe Latino, Guennadi Borissov, M. Jones, I. Heredia-De La Cruz, Julia Thom, P. Svoisky, Peter Wagner, Katsufumi Sato, A. B. Wicklund, Andrew Askew, K. Ebina, Young-Jin Kim, F. Happacher, Erik Brücken, Andrea Di Luca, L. Feng, A. V. Popov, A. Bhatti, Brad Abbott, K. Yi, Kazuhiko Hara, J. Lellouch, R. Luna-Garcia, P. Totaro, Vipin Bhatnagar, S. Atkins, Stefan Grünendahl, Aran Garcia-Bellido, Antonio Limosani, T. Rodriguez, S. Caughron, Arnulf Quadt, H. Greenlee, B. Hoeneisen, Lee Sawyer, W. Badgett, Elemer Nagy, R. Wallny, P. Barria, E. James, Naoki Kimura, S. R. Hou, S. Errede, Yasuyoshi Nagai, Jan Stark, Fabrizio Margaroli, H. D. Wahl, J. Keung, G. C. Blazey, D. Torretta, A. Sukhanov, M. Shimojima, C. Mesropian, P. Jiang, A. Simonenko, Hui Li, E. E. Schmidt, Neeti Parashar, D. Mietlicki, V. Papadimitriou, P. Catastini, Pierre Petroff, R. Yamada, Roman Lysak, D. Amidei, M. Vidal, B. Casal, D. Stentz, C. Bromberg, Michael Hildreth, Dmitri Tsybychev, R. L. McCarthy, L. Welty-Rieger, T. Nunnemann, Raymond Brock, D. J. Cox, R. Madrak, M. Buehler, J. Hogan, J. Naganoma, B. Tuchming, Pedro G Mercadante, M. M. Deninno, Markus Wobisch, A. Di Canto, D. A. Stoyanova, Matthew Herndon, Caterina Vernieri, I. Razumov, Shih-Chang Lee, Stephan Lammel, Lucio Cerrito, J. Joshi, Darren Price, Fedor Prokoshin, Cecile Deterre, T. Kuhr, B. Baldin, L. Demortier, P. Lebrun, H. T. Nguyen, J. M. Hauptman, D. Smirnov, Robin Erbacher, M. Datta, R. Beuselinck, W-M. Yao, J. Zennamo, J. F. Bartlett, A. Dubey, Sally Seidel, Cecilia Elena Gerber, J. N. Bellinger, M. Zielinski, J. Lys, R. Partridge, Jean-Francois Grivaz, A. Semenov, S. Y. Noh, M. Savitskyi, Massimo Casarsa, W. H. Hopkins, J. Warchol, J. Vizán, D. Waters, Robert Kehoe, Lidija Zivkovic, R. Roser, M. Eads, E. J. Jeon, S. Uzunyan, Aristotle Calamba, M. Dorigo, J. Hays, T. Okusawa, A. Bross, Ryan Christopher Edgar, M. Rescigno, Justin Pilot, Giovanni Bellettini, G. Ginther, Y. N. Kharzheev, N. Osman, V. A. Giakoumopoulou, M. E. Mattson, R. Forrest, M. M. Meijer, Henry J. Frisch, C. Vellidis, P. Jonsson, H. Hegab, V. Parihar, K. Matera, S. Söldner-Rembold, Andrew Beretvas, Jean-Arcady Meyer, Kevin Lannon, L. Bagby, D. Yamato, Amnon Harel, D. Lucchesi, Jianming Qian, Thibault Guillemin, Hang Yin, J. Snow, R. McNulty, M. Hare, M. Jaffré, G. Volpi, Gervasio Gomez, Anthony Ross, A. Hocker, T. Tomura, R. Culbertson, Kevin Burkett, M. Kirby, J. P. Fernández Ramos, T. Yasuda, M. Tecchio, A. Pal, Thomas Hebbeker, O. Norniella, J. Huston, Victor Daniel Elvira, Q. Z. Li, Mark Kruse, V. M. Abazov, K. Knoepfel, D. J. Kong, V. Bunichev, Alison Lister, Wade Cameron Fisher, I. Kiselevich, Marcelo Vogel, A. Juste, Allan G Clark, Roger Moore, Arie Bodek, A. Boveia, Prabhakar Palni, Christopher Clarke, V. A. Kuzmin, E. De La Cruz-Burelo, Konstantinos Petridis, Joe Kroll, B. C.K. Casey, Maxim Perfilov, Sung Keun Park, E. E. Boos, R. St. Denis, A. Fauré, B. Carls, Y. Takeuchi, K. M. Chan, Luca Scodellaro, Alexander Kupco, Guillelmo Gomez-Ceballos, J. Antos, V. V. Shary, J. Osta, Alexander Grohsjean, M. Cordelli, V. Sorin, P. Lukens, H. Gerberich, Lev Uvarov, G. Busetto, Brian L Winer, L. S. Vertogradov, M. Hussein, Y. Sakurai, C. Plager, Andrea Castro, L. Ortolan, A. Jayasinghe, Nikos Varelas, C. L. McGivern, Bing Zhou, J. Nett, Virgil E Barnes, Y. A. Yatsunenko, Heriberto Castilla-Valdez, Michal Kreps, Graham Wilson, Monica D'Onofrio, S. Rolli, Benjamin Kilminster, C. S. Moon, Avto Kharchilava, Sergey Burdin, P. Giromini, Jian Tang, S. H. Kim, D. V. Bandurin, G. Piacentino, L. Brigliadori, C. A. Cox, F. Bedeschi, Javier Cuevas, G. D. Alexeev, Flera Rizatdinova, Kenneth Bloom, T. Hoang, Stefano Giagu, Y. Enari, M. Mussini, I. Katsanos, Anna Zanetti, U. Husemann, S. Carrillo, I. Oksuzian, V. Saveliev, P. Schlabach, S. P. Denisov, V. V. Tokmenin, J. Kraus, Andrew Brandt, W. Ketchum, T. Wright, T. Head, L. Bellantoni, S. Greder, Iain Alexander Bertram, Alexander Khanov, V. L. Malyshev, J. Orduna, N. Parua, A. S. Ito, T. Aaltonen, M. J. Kim, Martin Grunewald, H. S. Kim, I. Howley, Keunchang Cho, G. Chlachidze, A. Anastassov, R. Van Kooten, G. P. Yeh, Milos Lokajicek, Franco Rimondi, Y. Sudo, D. Vilanova, Randy Ruchti, R. Orava, Carsten Hensel, M. Kurata, Evelyn Thomson, Fabrizio Scuri, M. E. Convery, A. Driutti, J. L. Holzbauer, F. Devoto, K. R. Bland, R. Jesik, Carlos Avila, B. A. Barnett, B. S. Acharya, A. T. Laasanen, Aaron Dominguez, Jochen Jens Heinrich, E. Gramellini, Giorgio Apollinari, R. Bernhard, A. Elagin, Michael Mulhearn, W. E. Cooper, Thomas Andrew Schwarz, A. Barbaro-Galtieri, Jay Dittmann, M. D. Corcoran, P. Skubic, Andrew Ivanov, H. A. Neal, J. T. Linnemann, Daniela Bortoletto, Barry Blumenfeld, U. Bassler, K. Goulianos, Darien Wood, P. D. Grannis, E. Palencia, K. Yip, P. E. Karchin, V. V. Lipaev, P. N. Ratoff, Duncan Carlsmith, Y. Peters, T. Yang, Marvin Johnson, L. Pondrom, Maksym Titov, L. Oakes, Jane Nachtman, A. Pranko, M. P. Sanders, Suyong Choi, Teruki Kamon, P. Mazzanti, Ulrich Heintz, L. Han, Vladimir Gavrilov, M. Kambeitz, Mark Richard James Williams, Regina Demina, C. P. Buszello, A. Napier, S. Torre, M. S. Jeong, G. Lungu, Gordon Watts, G. Pauletta, D. Brown, Elliot Lipeles, W. C. Wester, Yuehong Xie, A. L. Lyon, S. Blessing, S. J. De Jong, V. N. Evdokimov, D. Cauz, James Russ, Frederic Deliot, G. Savage, Th. Müller, M. Rominsky, P. Marino, Peter Wittich, K. T. Pitts, Kohei Yorita, V. Thukral, Jason Dhia Mansour, Arnaud Duperrin, P. F. Ding, Q. Liu, J. Clutter, A. Mitra, Gavin Grant Hesketh, Scott Snyder, D. Glenzinski, K. Sliwa, G. Golovanov, G. Manca, S. Zucchelli, Phillip Gutierrez, A. V. Kozelov, Y. Funakoshi, Marco Verzocchi, J. P. Agnew, Frank Filthaut, K. K. Joo, J. Weichert, A. K.A. Maciel, R. F. Harr, Aurore Savoy-Navarro, Song-Ming Wang, T. J. Phillips, Maxwell Chertok, A. Patwa, I. Redondo Fernández, P. Neustroev, F. Azfar, M. Diesburg, Pavol Bartos, W. Geng, Paolo Maestro, J. S. H. Lee, B. Di Ruzza, M. Hohlfeld, N. K. Mondal, D. Boline, H. T. Diehl, M. Trovato, C. M. Ginsburg, Luigi Marchese, Marcia Begalli, S. Cihangir, P. F. Shepard, S. H. Oh, A. A. Shchukin, A. Aurisano, I. Suslov, Fabrice Couderc, P. de Barbaro, Manfred Paulini, Shangfeng Yang, D. Denisov, Xiaowen Lei, Don Lincoln, Erich Varnes, P. Wilson, Frank Fiedler, V. V. Glagolev, N. Giokaris, N. Khalatyan, Sinead Farrington, A. Boehnlein, K. A. Johns, S. Uozumi, Jonathan L. Rosner, Liang Li, E. Kajfasz, G. Sajot, P. J. Bussey, P. Murat, Hal Evans, Thomas Ferbel, Meenakshi Narain, Giovanni Punzi, A. Jonckheere, Yi Chen, M. Prewitt, Itsuo Nakano, Lars Sonnenschein, Yongsun Kim, Lev Dudko, S. Poprocki, M. J. Shochet, J. Sekaric, Michael A. Strauss, J. R. Smith, G. B. Yu, J. Ellison, Harald Fox, Alan Garfinkel, M. Corbo, S. Chakrabarti, T. Miao, X. B. Bu, D. Chokheli, Emilien Chapon, M. Stancari, D. Hedin, Zdenek Hubacek, A. Golossanov, L. Nodulman, A. Lobodenko, Giorgio Chiarelli, L. Suter, K. Devaughan, Andreas Werner Jung, D. Toback, Alessandro Cerri, D. H. Kim, A. Mazzacane, I. A. Vasilyev, S. Fuess, T. Kurca, J. Strologas, P. Rubinov, Sandra Leone, S. Uvarov, K. Gibson, T. Bae, D. Karmanov, Koji Yamamoto, J. Lueck, B. Quinn, W. K. Sakumoto, A. Manousakis-Katsikakis, P. K. Teng, T. G. Zhao, W. Ye, C. Schwanenberger, Alice Bean, K. Potamianos, Matteo Cremonesi, Xin Wu, Horst Severini, C. Grosso-Pilcher, W. Ashmanskas, S. Lockwitz, Sudhir Malik, Ia Iashvili, Brajesh C Choudhary, S. R. Hahn, Volker Buescher, P. Mehtala, R. D. Schamberger, Daria Zieminska, F. D. Snider, J. Y. Han, Hakjae Lee, F. Canelli, M. Vesterinen, Christopher George Tully, K. Kondo, Ji Zhu, S. Wolbers, T. Scanlon, Guo-Ming Chen, E. Gerchtein, Chen Zhou, R. Madar, S. Kermiche, Nicola D'Ascenzo, Richard B. Lipton, Suman Bala Beri, J. A. Appel, Savanna Marie Shaw, V. Hynek, Kristian Harder, T. R. Junk, Patrick Slattery, Scott Wilbur, D. Cutts, J. Yoh, Emily Johnson, D. Cruz, J. M. Yu, M. Iori, S. Amerio, J. K. Lim, D. W. Jang, Todd Adams, K. Herner, Manjit Kaur, G. Grenier, F. Ptohos, A. P. Heinson, Mauro Ronzani, C. Galloni, M. A. Pleier, D. Edmunds, K. Soustruznik, Angelo De Souza Santos, Zhenyu Ye, I. Yu, Yuri Gershtein, E. Camacho-Pérez, G. Bernardi, Emanuela Barberis, Reinhard Schwienhorst, M. C. Cousinou, Pierfrancesco Butti, W. M. Van Leeuwen, Ashok Kumar, S. B. Kim, T. R. Wyatt, M. Borysova, Y. D. Oh, G. Flanagan, J. Conway, O. Gogota, Viviana Cavaliere, V. E. Bazterra, M. J. Morello, Tomoko Yoshida, S. Moed, Marc Besancon, K. Takemasa, V. M. Podstavkov, F. Vázquez, M. Fortner, A. Chandra, Bodhitha Jayatilaka, Ph Gris, Y. T. Tsai, Y. Ilchenko, Shalhout Shalhout, J. Boudreau, Jose Andres Garcia-Gonzalez, Maxim Goncharov, Richard D Field, R. Illingworth, V. Rusu, Elizaveta Shabalina, M. Lancaster, H. Wolfe, J. S. Wilson, S. Bhatia, Philip Baringer, S. Banerjee, F. Miconi, Oleg Brandt, J. Martínez-Ortega, Bjoern Penning, A. Mukherjee, Andrea Bocci, M. Cooke, R. Vilar, B. Auerbach, Y. C. Yang, N. Moggi, John Hobbs, M. R. Adams, Azeddine Kasmi, H. S. Budd, W. Parker
Přispěvatelé: Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (LPSC), Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP )-Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Département Recherches Subatomiques (DRS-IPHC), Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (IPHC), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11), Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon (IPNL), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3), Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), CDF, D0, European Commission, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (España), Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Nuclear Science, Gomez-Ceballos, Guillelmo, Goncharov, Maxim, Paus, Christoph M. E., Universidad de Cantabria, Université Joseph Fourier - Grenoble 1 (UJF)-Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP )-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Institut Polytechnique de Grenoble - Grenoble Institute of Technology-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) Mulhouse - Colmar (Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA))-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA) Mulhouse - Colmar (Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA))-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Paris-Sud - Paris 11 (UP11)-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), Université de Lyon-Université de Lyon-Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Aaltonen, T., Abazov, V.M., Abbott, B., Acharya, B.S., Adams, M., Adams, T., Agnew, J.P., Alexeev, G.D., Alkhazov, G., Alton, A., Amerio, S., Amidei, D., Anastassov, A., Annovi, A., Antos, J., Apollinari, G., Appel, J.A., Arisawa, T., Artikov, A., Asaadi, J., Ashmanskas, W., Askew, A., Atkins, S., Auerbach, B., Augsten, K., Aurisano, A., Avila, C., Azfar, F., Badaud, F., Badgett, W., Bae, T., Bagby, L., Baldin, B., Bandurin, D.V., Banerjee, S., Barbaro-Galtieri, A., Barberis, E., Baringer, P., Barnes, V.E., Barnett, B.A., Barria, P., Bartlett, J.F., Bartos, P., Bassler, U., Bauce, M., Bazterra, V., Bean, A., Bedeschi, F., Begalli, M., Behari, S., Bellantoni, L., Bellettini, G., Bellinger, J., Benjamin, D., Beretvas, A., Beri, S.B., Bernardi, G., Bernhard, R., Bertram, I., Besançon, M., Beuselinck, R., Bhat, P.C., Bhatia, S., Bhatnagar, V., Bhatti, A., Bland, K.R., Blazey, G., Blessing, S., Bloom, K., Blumenfeld, B., Bocci, A., Bodek, A., Boehnlein, A., Boline, D., Boos, E.E., Borissov, G., Bortoletto, D., Borysova, M., Boudreau, J., Boveia, A., Brandt, A., Brandt, O., Brigliadori, L., Brock, R., Bromberg, C., Bross, A., Brown, D., Brucken, E., Bu, X.B., Budagov, J., Budd, H.S., Buehler, M., Buescher, V., Bunichev, V., Burdin, S., Burkett, K., Busetto, G., Bussey, P., Buszello, C.P., Butti, P., Buzatu, A., Calamba, A., Camacho-Pérez, E., Camarda, S., Campanelli, M., Canelli, F., Carls, B., Carlsmith, D., Carosi, R., Carrillo, S., Casal, B., Casarsa, M., Casey, B.C.K., Castilla-Valdez, H., Castro, A., Catastini, P., Caughron, S., Cauz, D., Cavaliere, V., Cerri, A., Cerrito, L., Chakrabarti, S., Chan, K.M., Chandra, A., Chapon, E., Chen, G., Chen, Y.C., Chertok, M., Chiarelli, G., Chlachidze, G., Cho, K., Cho, S.W., Choi, S., Chokheli, D., Choudhary, B., Cihangir, S., Claes, D., Clark, A., Clarke, C., Clutter, J., Convery, M.E., Conway, J., Cooke, M., Cooper, W.E., Corbo, M., Corcoran, M., Cordelli, M., Couderc, F., Cousinou, M.-C., Cox, C.A., Cox, D.J., Cremonesi, M., Cruz, D., Cuevas, J., Culbertson, R., Cutts, D., Das, A., D'Ascenzo, N., Datta, M., Davies, G., De Barbaro, P., De Jong, S.J., De La Cruz-Burelo, E., Déliot, F., Demina, R., Demortier, L., Deninno, M., Denisov, D., Denisov, S.P., D'Errico, M., Desai, S., Deterre, C., Devaughan, K., Devoto, F., Di Canto, A., Di Ruzza, B., Diehl, H.T., Diesburg, M., Ding, P.F., Dittmann, J.R., Dominguez, A., Donati, S., D'Onofrio, M., Dorigo, M., Driutti, A., Dubey, A., Dudko, L.V., Duperrin, A., Dutt, S., Eads, M., Ebina, K., Edgar, R., Edmunds, D., Elagin, A., Ellison, J., Elvira, V.D., Enari, Y., Erbacher, R., Errede, S., Esham, B., Evans, H., Evdokimov, V.N., Farrington, S., Fauré, A., Feng, L., Ferbel, T., Fernández Ramos, J.P., Fiedler, F., Field, R., Filthaut, F., Fisher, W., Fisk, H.E., Flanagan, G., Forrest, R., Fortner, M., Fox, H., Franklin, M., Freeman, J.C., Frisch, H., Fuess, S., Funakoshi, Y., Galloni, C., Garbincius, P.H., Garcia-Bellido, A., García-González, J.A., Garfinkel, A.F., Garosi, P., Gavrilov, V., Geng, W., Gerber, C.E., Gerberich, H., Gerchtein, E., Gershtein, Y., Giagu, S., Giakoumopoulou, V., Gibson, K., Ginsburg, C.M., Ginther, G., Giokaris, N., Giromini, P., Glagolev, V., Glenzinski, D., Gogota, O., Gold, M., Goldin, D., Golossanov, A., Golovanov, G., Gomez, G., Gomez-Ceballos, G., Goncharov, M., González López, O., Gorelov, I., Goshaw, A.T., Goulianos, K., Gramellini, E., Grannis, P.D., Greder, S., Greenlee, H., Grenier, G., Gris, Ph., Grivaz, J.-F., Grohsjean, A., Grosso-Pilcher, C., Group, R.C., Grünendahl, S., Grünewald, M.W., Guillemin, T., Guimaraes Da Costa, J., Gutierrez, G., Gutierrez, P., Hahn, S.R., Haley, J., Han, J.Y., Han, L., Happacher, F., Hara, K., Harder, K., Hare, M., Harel, A., Harr, R.F., Harrington-Taber, T., Hatakeyama, K., Hauptman, J.M., Hays, C., Hays, J., Head, T., Hebbeker, T., Hedin, D., Hegab, H., Heinrich, J., Heinson, A.P., Heintz, U., Hensel, C., Heredia-De La Cruz, I., Herndon, M., Herner, K., Hesketh, G., Hildreth, M.D., Hirosky, R., Hoang, T., Hobbs, J.D., Hocker, A., Hoeneisen, B., Hogan, J., Hohlfeld, M., Holzbauer, J.L., Hong, Z., Hopkins, W., Hou, S., Howley, I., Hubacek, Z., Hughes, R.E., Husemann, U., Hussein, M., Huston, J., Hynek, V., Iashvili, I., Ilchenko, Y., Illingworth, R., Introzzi, G., Iori, M., Ito, A.S., Ivanov, A., Jabeen, S., Jaffré, M., James, E., Jang, D., Jayasinghe, A., Jayatilaka, B., Jeon, E.J., Jeong, M.S., Jesik, R., Jiang, P., Jindariani, S., Johns, K., Johnson, E., Johnson, M., Jonckheere, A., Jones, M., Jonsson, P., Joo, K.K., Joshi, J., Jun, S.Y., Jung, A.W., Junk, T.R., Juste, A., Kajfasz, E., Kambeitz, M., Kamon, T., Karchin, P.E., Karmanov, D., Kasmi, A., Kato, Y., Katsanos, I., Kaur, M., Kehoe, R., Kermiche, S., Ketchum, W., Keung, J., Khalatyan, N., Khanov, A., Kharchilava, A., Kharzheev, Y.N., Kilminster, B., Kim, D.H., Kim, H.S., Kim, J.E., Kim, M.J., Kim, S.H., Kim, S.B., Kim, Y.J., Kim, Y.K., Kimura, N., Kirby, M., Kiselevich, I., Knoepfel, K., Kohli, J.M., Kondo, K., Kong, D.J., Konigsberg, J., Kotwal, A.V., Kozelov, A.V., Kraus, J., Kreps, M., Kroll, J., Kruse, M., Kuhr, T., Kumar, A., Kupco, A., Kurata, M., Kurča, T., Kuzmin, V.A., Laasanen, A.T., Lammel, S., Lammers, S., Lancaster, M., Lannon, K., Latino, G., Lebrun, P., Lee, H.S., Lee, J.S., Lee, S.W., Lee, W.M., Lei, X., Lellouch, J., Leo, S., Leone, S., Lewis, J.D., Li, D., Li, H., Li, L., Li, Q.Z., Lim, J.K., Limosani, A., Lincoln, D., Linnemann, J., Lipaev, V.V., Lipeles, E., Lipton, R., Lister, A., Liu, H., Liu, Q., Liu, T., Liu, Y., Lobodenko, A., Lockwitz, S., Loginov, A., Lokajicek, M., Lopes De Sa, R., Lucchesi, D., Lucà, A., Lueck, J., Lujan, P., Lukens, P., Luna-Garcia, R., 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M.P., Santi, L., Santos, A.S., Sato, K., Savage, G., Saveliev, V., Savitskyi, M., Savoy-Navarro, A., Sawyer, L., Scanlon, T., Schamberger, R.D., Scheglov, Y., Schellman, H., Schlabach, P., Schmidt, E.E., Schwanenberger, C., Schwarz, T., Schwienhorst, R., Scodellaro, L., Scuri, F., Seidel, S., Seiya, Y., Sekaric, J., Semenov, A., Severini, H., Sforza, F., Shabalina, E., Shalhout, S.Z., Shary, V., Shaw, S., Shchukin, A.A., Shears, T., Shepard, P.F., Shimojima, M., Shochet, M., Shreyber-Tecker, I., Simak, V., Simonenko, A., Skubic, P., Slattery, P., Sliwa, K., Smirnov, D., Smith, J.R., Snider, F.D., Snow, G.R., Snow, J., Snyder, S., Söldner-Rembold, S., Song, H., Sonnenschein, L., Sorin, V., Soustruznik, K., R., St. Deni, Stancari, M., Stark, J., Stentz, D., Stoyanova, D.A., Strauss, M., Strologas, J., Sudo, Y., Sukhanov, A., Suslov, I., Suter, L., Svoisky, P., Takemasa, K., Takeuchi, Y., Tang, J., Tecchio, M., Teng, P.K., Thom, J., Thomson, E., Thukral, V., Titov, M., Toback, D., Tokar, 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T., Yatsunenko, Y.A., Ye, W., Ye, Z., Yeh, G.P., Yi, K., Yin, H., Yip, K., Yoh, J., Yorita, K., Yoshida, T., Youn, S.W., Yu, G.B., Yu, I., Yu, J.M., Zanetti, A.M., Zeng, Y., Zennamo, J., Zhao, T.G., Zhou, B., Zhou, C., Zhu, J., Zielinski, M., Zieminska, D., Zivkovic, L., Zucchelli, S.
Particle physics
Higgs boson
FOS: Physical sciences
General Physics and Astronomy
01 natural sciences
7. Clean energy
CDF collaboration
High Energy Physics - Experiment
Vector boson
Nuclear physics
proton-antiproton collisions
High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)
Physics and Astronomy (all)
0103 physical sciences
[PHYS.HEXP]Physics [physics]/High Energy Physics - Experiment [hep-ex]
010306 general physics
Physics and Astronomy (all). B-JET IDENTIFICATION
Large Hadron Collider
010308 nuclear & particles physics
Branching fraction
High Energy Physics::Phenomenology
D0 experiment
Experimental High Energy Physics
Physical Sciences
Hadron-Hadron Scattering
High Energy Physics::Experiment
Zdroj: ResearcherID
Physical Review Letters
Physical Review Letters, American Physical Society, 2015, 114, pp.151802. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.151802⟩
American Physical Society
Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 114, Num. 15, Pag. 151802 (2015)
Physical Review Letters, 114, 151802
Physical Review Letters, 2015, 114, pp.151802. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.151802⟩
Physical Review Letters, 114, 15, pp. 151802
Digital.CSIC. Repositorio Institucional del CSIC
UCrea Repositorio Abierto de la Universidad de Cantabria
Universidad de Cantabria (UC)
ISSN: 0031-9007
Popis: et al.
Combined constraints from the CDF and D0 Collaborations on models of the Higgs boson with exotic spin J and parity P are presented and compared with results obtained assuming the standard model value JP=0+. Both collaborations analyzed approximately 10 fb−1 of proton-antiproton collisions with a center-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV collected at the Fermilab Tevatron. Two models predicting exotic Higgs bosons with JP=0− and JP=2+ are tested. The kinematic properties of exotic Higgs boson production in association with a vector boson differ from those predicted for the standard model Higgs boson. Upper limits at the 95% credibility level on the production rates of the exotic Higgs bosons, expressed as fractions of the standard model Higgs boson production rate, are set at 0.36 for both the JP=0− hypothesis and the JP=2+ hypothesis. If the production rate times the branching ratio to a bottom-antibottom pair is the same as that predicted for the standard model Higgs boson, then the exotic bosons are excluded with significances of 5.0 standard deviations and 4.9 standard deviations for the JP=0− and JP=2+ hypotheses, respectively.
We acknowledge support from the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation (United States of America), the Australian Research Council (Australia), the National Council for the Development of Science and Technology and the Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for the Support of Research in the State of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada), the China Academy of Sciences, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the National Science Council of the Republic of China (China), the Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colombia), the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (Czech Republic), the Academy of Finland (Finland), the Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission and the National Center for Scientific Research/National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (France), the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation) (Germany), the Department of Atomic Energy and Department of Science and Technology (India), the Science Foundation Ireland (Ireland), the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (Italy), the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan), the Korean World Class University Program and the National Research Foundation of Korea (Korea), the National Council of Science and Technology (Mexico), the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (The Netherlands), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” of the Russian Federation, and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Russia), the Slovak R&D Agency (Slovakia), the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the Consolider-Ingenio 2010 Program (Spain), the Swedish Research Council (Sweden), the Swiss National Science Foundation (Switzerland), the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Ukraine), the Science and Technology Facilities Council and The Royal Society (United Kingdom), the A.P. Sloan Foundation (USA), and the European Commission Marie Curie Fellowship, Contract No. 302103.
Databáze: OpenAIRE