Wiener-Hopf Formulation of the Scattering by a PEC Wedge Over an Half Dielectric Grounded Slab

Autor: Vito Daniele, Rodolfo Zich, Guido Lombardi
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (EMTS).
DOI: 10.23919/ursi-emts.2019.8931432
Popis: This paper presents the formulation of electromagnetic problems constituted of inhomogeneous coupled angular and planar regions by using the Generalized Wiener-Hopf Technique (GWHT). In particular the paper is focused on the scattering of a perfectly electrically conducting (PEC) wedge in contact with an half dielectric grounded slab. The solution method is based on deriving the Wiener-Hopf formulation and on using the Fredholm factorization. In this case the presence of inhomogeneous regions introduces further difficulties.
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