Innovation of Local Government in Improving Food Security in Pacitan Regency

Autor: Faturahman, Burhanudin, Sarwono, Rozikin, Mochamad
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: Innovation needed in the public sector to serve the needs in the community, especially for food. Innovation in meeting the food requirements is realized through diversification of nonrice food by developing the potential of the region, namely the tubers as an alternative source of carbohydrates. The results of descriptive qualitative research showed that tubers abundant amount of production, but is still simple processing with the processed chips, not in the form of processed varied. Marketing difficulties because there is no clear target market. Innovation is realized through a special pilot project of planting tubers, support equipment processing the tubers are managed by Fostering Family Welfare(PKK) in the village. Actors involved, namely the Office of Food Security, Department of Food Crops and Livestock, the Energy assistant village, the PKK village and household industries. Impact on earnings is not optimal, overlapping authority at the local government level and the processing has not been sustained. Therefore, the development model tubers clarified the authority of institutions at the local government level and rural level.
Databáze: OpenAIRE