An internal dosimetry intercomparison study

Autor: Loesch Rm, Hui Te, Raddatz C, Fisher Dr, McDonald Jc
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: Health physics. 67(3)
ISSN: 0017-9078
Popis: Pacific Northwest Laboratory performed a study to evaluate the consistency of internal dosimetry assessments. A total of eleven laboratories, including DOE sites and NRC licensees, participated in this intercomparison study. Participants were asked to respond to five actual exposure scenarios, previously used in a similar European study. The participating dosimetrists assessed the data of the test scenarios and calculated results in terms of estimated radionuclide intake and the resulting internal doses. To maintain confidentiality, results are given without identifying any site. Except for one scenario, the results showed that the standard deviation of the final results on committed effective dose equivalent for each exposure scenario was about 30-50% of the mean value, giving a consistency slightly greater variant than that of the European study. The discrepancies can be attributed to variations in (1) the interpretation and statistical treatment of the bioassay data; (2) the biokinetic models applied; and (3) the computational tools used. This represents a preliminary study; further intercomparison testing is needed to fully evaluate the problem of dose-assessment inconsistency. 13 refs., 10 tabs.
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