Antifosfolipidna antitela u zdravih srpskih osoba srednjih godina - preliminarni podaci

Autor: Mirjana Bećarević, Snežana Jovičić, Svetlana Ignjatović, Duško Mirković
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Medical Biochemistry
Journal of Medical Biochemistry (2022) 41(4):506-512
ISSN: 1452-8258
Popis: Background: The investigation of the prevalence of the IgG and the IgM isotypes of anticardiolipin (aCL) and antib2glycoprotein I (ab2gpI) Abs in healthy Serbian middle-aged subjects was the main goal of our study. In addition, we analyzed the potential associations of above-mentioned Abs with serum proteins and lipids/lipoproteins. Methods: Forty healthy subjects were included in our study. Obesity (BMI 30 kg/m2) was present in 8/40 (20%) subjects. Titers of analyzed Abs were measured by ELISA. Results: The prevalence of IgG and IgM ab2gpI Abs was 5% and 12.5%, respectively, while the prevalence of IgM aCL was 10%. The IgG ab2gpI Abs were significantly different between subjects with normal triglycerides levels and those with hypertriglyceridemia (Mann-Whitney, P = 0.014). The significant difference in hsCRP concentrations was observed between subjects with the increased levels of the IgM isotype of aCL Abs and those with normal IgM aCL values (Mann-Whitney, P = 0.028). Conclusions: Dyslipidemia and BMI ≥30 were associated with aPL Abs and therefore, the correction of BMI and lipid status might be beneficial in reduction or elimination of predisposing factors that might trigger thrombotic events in otherwise healthy middle-aged subjects. Larger national study is necessary to confirm our findings. Uvod: Analiza prevalentnosti IgG i IgM izotipa antikardiolip- inskih (aCL) i anti- b2glikoprotein I (ab2gpI) At kod zdravih sredove~nih stanovnika Srbije je bila glavni cilj na{e studije. Dodatno, analizirali smo potencijalnu povezanost gore- navedenih At sa serumskim proteinima i lipidima/lipopro- teinima. Metode: 40 zdravih ispitanika je bilo uklju~eno u na{u studiju. Gojaznost (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2) je uo~ena kod 8/40 (20%) osoba. Titri analiziranih antitela su utvr|ivani ELISA testom. Rezultati: Prevalentnost IgG i IgM ab2gpIAt je bila 5% i 12.5%, redom, dok je prevalentnost IgM aCL bila 10%. Nivoi IgG ab2gpI At su se zna~ajno razlikovali izme|u ispi- tanika sa i bez hipertrigliceridemije (Mann-Whitney, P = 0.014). Zna~ajne razlike u hsCRP koncentracijama uo~ene su izme|u osoba sa povi{enim nivoima IgM aCL At i onih sa referentim vrednostima (Mann-Whitney, P = 0,028). Zaklju~ak: Dislipidemija i BMI ≥30 su bili povezani sa aPL At uprkos njihovoj niskoj prevalentnosti, i zato korekcija BMI i lipidnog statusa bi bila korisna u redukciji ili elimi- naciji predispoziraju}ih faktora koji mogu da izazovu trom- boti~ki doga|aj kod ina~e zdravih sredove~nih ispitanika. Obimnije nacionalne studije su neophodne da bi potvrdile na{e nalaze.
Databáze: OpenAIRE