Plastic strain localization in polycrystalline titanium. Numerical simulation

Autor: Ruslan Balokhonov, E. Emelianova, Varvara Romanova, M. V. Sergeev
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Russian physics journal. 2020. Vol. 62, № 9. P. 1539-1551
Popis: The paper presents numerical simulation of polycrystalline titanium deformation in terms of the crystal plasticity theory. Based on the experimental data, a three-dimensional polycrystalline model is generated by a method of step-by-step packing. Constitutive relations for the deformation behavior of grains are based on the crystal plasticity theory with regard to the crystalline structure and dislocation glide in hexagonal closepacked crystal lattices. The boundary value problem of elastoplastic deformation is solved numerically using the finite element method. The proposed model is tested by elastoplastic deformation of titanium single crystals having different orientation. The proposed model is used to study the influence of the crystallographic orientation on localized plastic deformation in polycrystals.
Databáze: OpenAIRE