La relation client et le boycott : proposition d'un mod��le conceptuel de gestion de crise relationnelle
Autor: | Chahidi Soukaina, Nejjar Boubker |
Jazyk: | francouzština |
Rok vydání: | 2021 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.5730585 |
Popis: | Le boycott est un ph��nom��ne social, r��current qui peut concerner toute organisation ou entreprise, il a des effets n��fastes d���ordre ��conomique, social ainsi que relationnel, comme il peut courir le risque d���affecter la relation entre le client et l���entreprise ou la marque. Notre recherche, �� vis��e conceptuelle, porte �� la fois sur un aspect marketing (la relation marque-client) et un autre manag��rial (performance de l���entreprise). Ainsi, nous consid��rons que la qualit�� de la relation marque-client impacte positivement et/ou n��gativement le fait de la participation �� un boycott ou non, en le liant aux trois piliers essentiels de cette relation qui sont la satisfaction, la confiance et l���engagement. Dans ce papier, nous essayons d���expliquer l���importance de la confiance client dans les relations commerciales par la th��orie du marketing, notamment l���approche relationnelle et son int��r��t dans la gestion des crises relationnelles. Et, c���est �� travers le d��veloppement et le maintien d���une relation de confiance entre le client et l���entreprise que cette derni��re peut maintenir sa performance. Ainsi, nous avons con��u un mod��le conceptuel de la gestion de crise relationnelle qui suit deux raisonnements en cas d���un boycott. D���une part, l���absence d���une gestion de crise relationnelle provoque une perte de confiance chez le client, par cons��quent une contre-performance pour l���entreprise. D���autre part, avec la pr��sence d���une gestion de crise relationnelle, la confiance des clients pourra ��tre r��tablie donc l���entreprise sera capable d���am��liorer sa performance. Mots cl��s : Relation Marque-Client, Boycott, Crise Relationnelle, Confiance, Performance. Classification JEL : L19 Type de l���article: Article th��orique Boycott is a recurring social phenomenon that can affect any organization or company, it has adverse economic, social and relational effects, as it can run the risk of affecting the relationship between the customer and the company or the brand. Our conceptual research covers both a marketing aspect (the brand-customer relationship) and another managerial aspect (company performance). Thus, we consider that the quality of the brand-customer relationship positively / negatively impacts the fact of participating in a boycott or not, by linking it to the three essential pillars of this relationship which are satisfaction, trust and commitment. In this paper, we try to explain the importance of customer trust in business relationships through marketing theory, especially the relationship approach and its interest in managing relationship crises. And, it is through the development and maintenance of a relationship of trust between the customer and the company that the latter can maintain its performance. Thus, we have designed a conceptual model of relational crisis management that follows two lines of reasoning in the event of a boycott. On the one hand, the lack of relational crisis management causes a loss of customer confidence, consequently a poor performance for the company. On the other hand, with the presence of relational crisis management, customer confidence can be restored so the company will be able to improve its performance. Keywords: Brand-Customer Relationship, Boycott, Relational-Crisis, Confidence, Performance. JEL Classification : L19 Paper type: Theoretical Research |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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