Visualizing Borrelia burgdorferi Infection Using a Small-Molecule Imaging Probe

Autor: Monica E. Embers, Nicole R. Hasenkampf, Neil L. Spector, Andrew E. Padilla, Havard S. Lambert, David A. Alcorta, Dakota W. Nollner, Madeline G Sell
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Clinical Microbiology
ISSN: 1098-660X
DOI: 10.1128/jcm.02313-20
Popis: In vivo diagnostic imaging of bacterial infections is currently reliant on targeting their metabolic pathways, an ineffective method to identify microbial species with low metabolic activity. Here, we establish HS-198 as a small-molecule fluorescent conjugate that selectively targets the highly conserved bacterial protein HtpG (high-temperature protein G), within Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacterium responsible for Lyme disease. We describe the use of HS-198 to target morphologic forms of B. burgdorferi in both the logarithmic growth phase and the metabolically dormant stationary phase as well as in inactivated spirochetes. Furthermore, in a murine infection model, systemically injected HS-198 identified B. burgdorferi as revealed by imaging in postnecropsy tissue sections. These findings demonstrate how small-molecule probes directed at conserved bacterial protein targets can function to identify the microbe using noninvasive imaging and potentially as scaffolds to deliver antimicrobial agents to the pathogen.
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