Occurrence of azooxanthellate scleractinian corals off Goa, mid-west coast of India

Autor: Chandran Rethnaraj, Lazarus Singarayan
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Marine Biodiversity Records. 9
ISSN: 1755-2672
Popis: West coast of India is characterized by the presence of rich rocky out-crops with a diversity of poorly illuminated vertical rocky walls, crevices, caves, tunnels and overhangs. Though these are the typical environment for azooxanthellate scleratinian corals, there is no report available on these corals from this region. In situ observations including photography were made by SCUBA diving Collected specimens were soaked in fresh water and then in sodium hypochlorite solution for cleaning. Finer details of coralla were photographed using a stereoscopic microscope. The present account reported three species of azooxanthellate corals namely Balanophyllia cumingii Milne Edwards & Haime, 1848, Dentrophyllia indica Pillai, 1969 and Paracyathus profundus Duncan, 1889 for the first time from the rocky out-crops off Goa, mid-west coast of India and illustrated with in situ morphological characters of the species recorded. Despite their rich biodiversity, the seas and the deep shelf regions adjacent to India have had few surveys and limited reports (34 species) only are available on the occurrence of azooxanthellate corals. Detailed further studies along the coast would unveil the presence of more number of species.
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