Test, estimation and model comparison for the meiosis I nondisjunction fraction in trisomies

Autor: Vanessa L. Silva, Rosangela H. Loschi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 26, no. 2 (2012), 123-148
Popis: Trisomies are numerical chromosomal anomalies (aneuploidies) which are common causes of mental retardation, pregnancy losses and fetal death. The determination of the meiosis I nondisjunction fraction plays an important role in the identification of possible factors which could generate such aneuploidies. In this article, more flexible misclassification models for the number of peaks in a polymorphic locus of trisomic individuals are considered. They are compared to some others proposed in the literature. Estimation and tests for the nondisjunction fraction in meiosis I and for the misclassification errors are introduced extending previous works. Using the Decision Theory approach, we also build a criterion for making decisions under Jeffreys and Pereira–Stern tests. We apply the results to Down Syndrome data that is the most prevalent trisomy in humans.
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