Endoscopic ultrasonography-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy of lesions in the upper gastrointestinal tract

Autor: Finn Wilkens Henriksen, Peter Vilmann, G. K. Jacobsen, Søren Hancke
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Gastrointestinal endoscopy. 41(3)
ISSN: 0016-5107
Popis: In te res t in endoscopic u l t rasonography (EUS) has increased during recent years. Several s tudies have shown tha t the use of h igh-f requency ul trasonic t ransducers bui l t into the t ip of a flexible endoscope makes it possible to depict lesions in and a round the gast ro intes t inal t r ac t accurately. TM However , it is not possible to different ia te be tween mal ignan t and benign lesions using EUS. 512 In an a t t e m p t to solve this problem, a new technique for EUS-gu ided fine-needle aspi ra t ion (FNA) has been developed. T h e aim of this s tudy is to p resen t our experience with EUS-gu ided F N A biopsy of lesions in and around the uppe r gast rointes t inal tract .
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