Building the fashion’s future. How turn textiles’ wastes into ecological building products

Autor: Silvia Tedesco, Roberto Giordano, Elena Piera Montacchini
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Politecnico di Torino-IRIS
Popis: The textile system is one of the most influential production activities at a global level from an environmental point of view, both in relation to the processes that characterize the supply chain and in relation to pre and post-consumer waste. It produces million tons of global greenhouse gas emissions per year and it consumes millions of litres of water; it uses million tons of chemical products. Furthermore, millions of tons of special textile wastes are yearly landfilled in upstream process as well as in downstream process. Less of 1% of materials used to produce clothes becomes part of a closed-loop recycling and less of 2% are recycled in other industrial activities. Changing the textile industrial linear model in a circular one according to Systemic Design principles is advisable, starting from wastes and by-products. As proved in the working paper wastes, due to their properties, can assumed as inputs of new production systems. Particularly the scientific contribution deals with some research activities carried out within a project titled EDILTEX - Innovation for reusing in textile companies. The achievements are described, showing that construction and fashion are fields only apparently far from each other. They can - on the contrary - developing powerful synergies and products with interesting technological and physical performances.
Databáze: OpenAIRE