D5.1 - Report with review of existing impact evaluations systems

Autor: Prevoo, Mariëlle, Sušanj, Zoran, Golob, Boris, Zubić, Nikoleta
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7350996
Popis: This report is written within Work Package (WP) 5 of the DIOSI project (Developing and Implementing hands-on training on Open Science and Open Innovation for Early Career Researchers). The main goal of the Work Package is to enable measurable and actionable impact assessment of doctoral education in general, and of the Open Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Open Science courses in particular, through the development of the DIOSI Impact and graduate tracking framework. The review of existing impact evaluation systems described in this report is supposed to be a first step towards the development of that framework. As such, all methods and tools included in the review focus – at least to a certain extent – on evaluating the immediate and/or long-term impact of doctoral education. The report is based on an extensive review of impact evaluation methods and tools described in literature, ranging from projects focused on the development of a graduate tracking system to research into the career trajectories of PhD graduates. The report describes European initiatives for a graduate tracking system, as well as studies looking into careers of PhD graduates and/or the impact of doctoral education on skills and later outcomes of PhD graduates. Not only is the content and usefulness of the tools used reviewed, findings that could be relevant for the later development of the DIOSI Impact and graduate tracking framework, such as categorizations of skills or occupations, are also summarized. Moreover, the report describes different methodologies for graduate tracking along with the pros and cons of (a combination of) methods. This includes register-based vs. survey-based tracking, and within survey-based tracking the methods of 1.) graduate surveys, 2.) longitudinal cohort surveys, 3.) cross-sectional survey. Special attention is paid to finding a balance between cross-country comparability and institutional-level implementation. In order to maintain this balance, a mixture of joint decision making and individual responsibility for submission to graduates is suggested as a suitable solution for the European universities included in the DIOSI project.
Databáze: OpenAIRE