Spin-noise in the anisotropic central spin model

Autor: Johannes Hackmann, Frithjof B. Anders
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Popis: Spin-noise measurements can serve as direct probe for the microscopic decoherence mechanism of an electronic spin in semiconductor quantum dots (QD).We have calculated the spin-noise spectrum in the anisotropic central spin model using a Chebyshev expansion technique which exactly accounts for the dynamics up to an arbitrary long but fixed time in a finite size system. In the isotropic case, describing QD charged with a single electron, the short-time dynamics is in good agreement with a quasi-static approximation for the thermodynamic limit. The spin-noise spectrum, however, shows strong deviations at low frequencies with a power-law behavior. In the Ising limit, applicable to QDs with heavy-hole spins, the spin-noise spectrum exhibits a threshold behavior above the Larmor frequency. In the generic anisotropic central spin model we have found a crossover from a Gaussian type of spin-noise spectrum to a more Ising-type spectrum with increasing anisotropy in a finite magnetic field. In order to make contact with experiments, we present ensemble averaged spin-noise spectra for QD ensembles charged with single electrons or holes. The Gaussian-type noise spectrum evolves to a more Lorentzian shape spectrum with increasing spread of characteristic time-scales and g-factors of the individual QDs.
24 pages, 16 figures, submitted to PRB
Databáze: OpenAIRE