Low energy description of quantum gravity and complementarity

Autor: Jaime Varela, Sean J. Weinberg, Yasunori Nomura
Přispěvatelé: Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Nuclear Science, Nomura, Yasunori, Varela, Jaime, Weinberg, Sean Jason
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Nomura, Y; Varela, J; & Weinberg, SJ. (2014). Low energy description of quantum gravity and complementarity. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 733, 126-133. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.04.027. UC Berkeley: Retrieved from: http://www.escholarship.org/uc/item/1br3t2d8
Physics Letters B
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, vol 733
TopicHub SCOAP3
ISSN: 0370-2693
DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.04.027
Popis: We consider a framework in which low energy dynamics of quantum gravity is described preserving locality, and yet taking into account the effects that are not captured by the naive global spacetime picture, e.g. those associated with black hole complementarity. Our framework employs a “special relativistic” description of gravity; specifically, gravity is treated as a force measured by the observer tied to the coordinate system associated with a freely falling local Lorentz frame. We identify, in simple cases, regions of spacetime in which low energy local descriptions are applicable as viewed from the freely falling frame; in particular, we identify a surface called the gravitational observer horizon on which the local proper acceleration measured in the observer's coordinates becomes the cutoff (string) scale. This allows for separating between the “low-energy” local physics and “trans-Planckian” intrinsically quantum gravitational (stringy) physics, and allows for developing physical pictures of the origins of various effects. We explore the structure of the Hilbert space in which the proposed scheme is realized in a simple manner, and classify its elements according to certain horizons they possess. We also discuss implications of our framework on the firewall problem. We conjecture that the complementarity picture may persist due to properties of trans-Planckian physics.
United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics (Contract DE-FG02-05ER41360)
United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics (Contract DE-AC02-05CH11231)
National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF Grant No. PHY-0855653)
National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF Grant No. DGE-1106400)
Simons Foundation (Grant 230224)
Databáze: OpenAIRE