Caldendrin Directly Couples Postsynaptic Calcium Signals to Actin Remodeling in Dendritic Spines

Autor: Anja Konietzny, Jeffrey Lopez-Rojas, Julia Bär, Michael R. Kreutz, Oliver Stork, Bas van Bommel, Marina Mikhaylova, Egor Y. Loktionov, Syed Ahsan Raza, Casper C. Hoogenraad, Pasham Parameshwar Reddy, Oliver Kobler, Rajeev Raman, Philipp Schätzle, Johannes Hradsky, Christina Spilker, PingAn Yuanxiang
Přispěvatelé: Sub Cell Biology, Celbiologie
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Neuron, 97(5), 1110. Cell Press
ISSN: 1097-4199
Popis: Compartmentalization of calcium-dependent plasticity allows for rapid actin remodeling in dendritic spines. However, molecular mechanisms for the spatio-temporal regulation of filamentous actin (F-actin) dynamics by spinous Ca2+-transients are still poorly defined. We show that the postsynaptic Ca2+ sensor caldendrin orchestrates nano-domain actin dynamics that are essential for actin remodeling in the early phase of long-term potentiation (LTP). Steep elevation in spinous [Ca2+]i disrupts an intramolecular interaction of caldendrin and allows cortactin binding. The fast on and slow off rate of this interaction keeps cortactin in an active conformation, and protects F-actin at the spine base against cofilin-induced severing. Caldendrin gene knockout results in higher synaptic actin turnover, altered nanoscale organization of spinous F-actin, defects in structural spine plasticity, LTP, and hippocampus-dependent learning. Collectively, the data indicate that caldendrin-cortactin directly couple [Ca2+]i to preserve a minimal F-actin pool that is required for actin remodeling in the early phase of LTP.
Databáze: OpenAIRE